30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (2024)

Wondering how to wear your two favorite nail colors pink and blue together? From ombre and half/half to solid colors and airbrushing, there are many nail designs for pink and blue!

The best thing about the nail designs below is they don’t require a particular nail shape. If you have trouble growing your nails out, you can still make them look fashionable with, for example, a pink and blue ombre! Is your default nail style coffin acrylics? There’s a gorgeous way for you to wear the two colors beautifully as well!

Before you go checking out our favorite pink and blue nails, make sure you have the colors on hand since we know you’ll be dying to try them after seeing their gorgeousness!

Trendy Pink and Blue Nail Designs

Give your manicure a punch of color by wearing pink and blue together! These pink and blue nail designs are a must-try!

1. Pink And Blue Ombre with Hearts

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (1)

Long almond nails in pink and blue ombre are super cute with tiny pink hearts on the accent nail. You can use nail decals for these or draw them on yourself on just the side of the nail.

2. Light Pink And Blue for Acrylics

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (2)

There’s a slight shimmer to these light pink and blue stiletto nails. The effect keeps the color from being too plain, as does the diamond detail for a cute pink flamingo!

3. Melted Hot Pink And Blue

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (3)

Create a cool graffiti effect with hot pink and bright blue on long nails by letting each color “drip” into the other. For a bigger effect, it’s best to try this style on lengthier nails like the short stiletto ones above!

4. Matte Pink And Blue Ombre with Flowers

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The gorgeous effect of pink and blue ombre doesn’t disappear with a cool matte nail polish. Its smoothness is even more enhanced by the flower detail on the solid light pink accent nail.

5. Blue and Baby Pink Airbrush Nails

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Different shades of beautiful blue work with a baby pink and white on these square nails. To get the design above, you’ll probably want a nail tech to do airbrushing, but you can certainly try your own hand at the leafy art too!

6. Chevron

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (6)

Are you a fan of chevron designs? Try thick and thin blue chevrons on light pink nails or vice versa for a colorful eye-pleasing pattern.

7. Cotton Candy Pearls

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Use different shades of pink with light blue to create a nail design that’ll have you craving cotton candy. Tip the ends with glittered lines and decorate the beds with colorful nail beads.

8. Cat Stickers

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Show love to your favorite animal by picking up nail stickers. Cover a full nail or just part of it, and paint one nail in an accent color, like the orange seen above.

9. Light Pink and Blue

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If you prefer lighter colors, stick with light pink and blue but use them as accent colors on opposite hands. Silver stones can be used in triangles or lines to draw attention to the accent nail.

10. Glittered Pink and Blue

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (10)

Love all things shiny? Glitter nail polish is always fun to play with. Let the sparkle adorn your fingernails with complementing feminine nail stickers, like flowers or butterflies.

11. Rainbow

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (11)

These beautiful rainbow almond nails are easy on the eyes. A style like this will require a visit to your nail tech for air-brushing, but the result will be worth the extra time!

12. Pink Polka Dots

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (12)

Polka dots will help you pay a nostalgic nod to your childhood. Pack on light pink dots on a medium blue shade of long oval nails.

13. Thin French Tips

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (13)

Two nails with thin French tips is certainly unique, and you can play them up even more with pretty pink and blue butterfly stickers or hand-drawn nail art.

14. Flamingo Stiletto Nails

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Taking a tropical trip? Get in the vacay mood with flamingo nails! Shiny light blue and pink stiletto nails are absolutely gorgeous with the adorable bird and some pretty jeweled flowers.

15. Colorful Tips

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When you’re wanting to play with color but not on your entire fingernail, just paint the tips. These square nails featured tips painted at an angle in pretty pink and blue.

16. Swirled

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (16)

Long stiletto or almond nails are perfect for displaying a beautiful swirled design. Try thick and thin white swirled lines with light blue or light pink.

17. Animal Print

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (17)

Animal print is always in fashion and it’s even prettier with bright colors. We love the way the light blue cheetah print pattern is featured only on half the nail and accented with solids, striped silver lines, and pink tips.

18. Flower Power

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Tiny white, pink, and blue flowers are sandwiched between swirled lines on the coffin nails above. We recommend only trying the design on long acrylics since they have more space.

19. Tropical Ombre

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Another gorgeous nail design for women who are vacay bound is this pink and blue ombre with black palm trees. Short round nails suit the vibe perfectly.

20. Half and Half

30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (20)

Half and half painted nails may seem simple, but they’re chic and sophisticated, perfect for any occasion and setting.

21. Marbled Ombre

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A mash up of ombre and marbled makes pink and blue look like sweet cotton candy. Feature the pattern on just your two middle fingers on extra long coffin or stiletto nails.

22. Dark and Light

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The contrast between dark glittery blue and light pink is unexpectedly pretty. Invent your own unique design or copy these thin vertical double lines.

23. Jagged Edges

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When painted in a jagged fashion, bright pink and blue with accenting light green or yellow will instantly liven up the tips of your short square nails.

24. Summer Love

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Match all your favorite summer outfits to this cheery flower nail design. Complement pink and blue with light purple and yellow.

25. Glittered Goodness

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These alternating stiletto and squoval-shaped nails flaunt sunsets in an ombre of purple, blue, and pink. Their glittered beds are the perfect background for black nail stickers.

26. Swirled Lines on Nude

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Nude nail beds shouldn’t ever be underestimated for the way they can make any color pop. Coat the ends of long coffin nails in light pink and accent them with swirled light blue lines.

27. Checkered

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Separate your fingernails into four sections and paint each one a different color. We recommend both light and dark pink and blue.

28. Dark Blue And Pink Flames

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Get “hot” nail art by drawing light pink flames on a nude base for every other nail, then outlining the flames in dark blue! Finish the design off by painting the other nails a solid dark blue. Leave the design like this, or go a step further with a few swipes of glitter on the flames.

29. Navy Blue and Bright Pink Nails

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Are you more about solid colors without any intricate design? Paint your two center nails with hot pink and frame them with a navy blue pointer and pinky nail. These short oval nails are shiny and gorgeous!

30. Bright Pink and Blue with Glitter

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For a stunning statement pink and blue design, start by painting every other nail half in light blue and the other half in light pink. Use a clear coat of glitter to sparkle them up and add cute black shadow nail art like the palm trees above!

Choose to wear your pink and purple nails solid and by themselves or add fun detail with glitter design, rhinestones, or nail decals! You’ll never know how gorgeous your nails can be until you experiment with pink and blue together!

Interesting Topics:

  • Clear Pink Nails
  • Pink and Ombre Nails
  • Royal Blue Nails
30 Gorgeous Pink and Blue Nails for Any Occasion (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.