Beast Unburdened (Gladiators of the Vagabond #1) (2024)


3,557 reviews473 followers

March 29, 2022

I enjoyed this book. I liked the set-up and the characters. It made for an enjoyable read.

So why only 3*?
(I feel I need to add at this point that 3* isn’t a negative. I very very rarely give 5* and 4 is an exceptional read).

I felt the writing could have been tightened up a bit. But ultimately I was left wanting more so if there’s another book I’ll read it. I’d like to know where the characters go from here.

I voluntarily read a review copy kindly provided by the publisher and NetGalley.


94 reviews3 followers

May 14, 2022

This is the first time I downloaded an ARC and neither the novel nor the author were in my radar but I stumbled upon it while discovering how Netgalley works and I saw the word monster and without even checking out the blurb, I dove in head first. No regrets here ! 50% in and I was already considering a 5 star rating which is rare for me. 5 star ratings are for the books that have an impact on me either by being the ultimate comfort book or by changing the way I see the world, both of which are essential to me. After finishing the book, I’m confident in my 5 star rating. It’s just an amazing comfort book that I’ll be rereading for years to come. 400~ pages of pure escapism.

Abigail, the heroine, wakes up in a pod and realizes she's been abducted by aliens who plan on using her as a slave. One key element that endeared this book to me was the kick-ass heroine and weirdly, her stilettos ! I have to admit, the stilettos are one those things that I would never expect to be important in a novel about human women getting abducted by aliens and then getting it on with humongous, scaled aliens but they totally are and they felt like such a powerful symbol of the self confidence and determination the heroine possessed.

Not that high heels are that meaningful in our awful real world but every time Abigail mentioned her stilettos it was as if she was drawing power from them. They were reminders of her true self. And then she went and did what she did with the stilettos, well, the readers will understand how important the stilettos were ! Abigail may actually be one of my all-time favourite heroines.

In general, the novel was very low angst and more focused on the plot. I enjoyed the action scenes, the plot was intriguing, leaving room for exploring the supporting cast and future conflicts if there were ever more books in the series. Most importantly, I enjoyed the two leads. They were so mature and level-headed and it’s a rare thing in the romance genre. I think they had good chemistry. I also appreciated some of the parts that weren’t the main focus of the plot, like the camaraderie between the gladiators, the unexpected ally that was the doctor with his creepy face and mousy demeanor (I really hope he gets his own book in the future) and the spice that involved tail-play, however mild it was.

“You may touch, tiny-female-of-the-big-hair,” he rumbled at me then, the corners of his mouth pulling up to reveal sharp fangs; though the expression clearly showed mirth.

Stray observations :

- TW : surgery w/o anaesthetics, slavery, the amount of violence and bloodshed you might expect from gladiator fights and carnivory.
- It was reminiscent of Victoria Aveline and Ruby Dixon novels and I would recommend it to anyone who likes sci-fi romance.
- The winged Tarkan ??! My Turkish blood is dancing in my veins !
- It was an adorable detail but I loved it exactly because of that : Abigail and Ziame were so much in the same head space that they would think of the same things and see the same problems. Their outlook was very similar and I think it was a really nice touch.

    2-reads favorites netgalley


15 reviews

February 24, 2022

I got sent an ARC of this book and not being a huge Sci-fi fan I didn’t know what to expect.
The fresh style and intriguing storylines of this debut novel had me on the edge of my seat till the very last page.
You will definitely empathize with most of the characters and probably find the protagonist likable.
It’s a good book to forget reality’s problems for a while and get immersed in a futuristic world where everything is so much more interesting.
An easy read that leaves you wanting to know more about the story’s world. Hopefully there are sequels to come. Don’t lose a chance to get to know Abigail and Ziame a bit better. Kudos to a very gifted writer, that has a lot more to show for her work!

Poppy || Monster Lover

1,070 reviews166 followers

May 26, 2023

Needed more time

I liked that the FMC was a confident tall woman and that the MMC had disguised himself as unintelligent. The overarching plot mostly made sense, but there were a few holes.
I thought the love story was rushed, and that the main characters weren’t together enough to develop a meaningful bond.

Spice: 3/5

Triggers: abduction, medical, violence, slavery

    captivity dark-romance dual-pov

Cathy Geha

3,958 reviews105 followers

April 4, 2022

Beast Unburdened by Robin O’Connor
Gladiators of the Vagabond #1

Smiles for miles…loved this story! A good alien romance is hard to beat and this one swept me into an intriguing world with characters I fell in love with…or hated deeply. Great story!

What I liked:
* Abigail: human, female, captive, tall, dark skinned, curly hair, bank teller, open minded, good with numbers, strong, independent, intriguing, no shrinking violet…perfect for the story and for…
* Ziame: alien, from Lacerten, sentient, intelligent, skilled in subterfuge, gentle giant, lethal, strategic thinker and planner, team player and leader, fell for him just as Abigail did…
* The setting: on a spaceship out in space
* The introduction to the various species that were slaves and gladiators
* The gladiator theme and knowing that all the males were strong, lethal, and from various planets
* The plot, pacing, and overall story
* The growth of the relationship between Abigail and Ziame
* Meeting the characters that will no doubt be in the future books of the series – can’t wait to hear more about them and who they might end up with
* The wide variety of aliens and how they were able to communicate though from various species/planets
* The fight scenes in the arena
* That though the gladiators were lethal, they didn’t really enjoy what they did…at least most of them didn’t
* Being able to dislike/hate the bad guys
* Reading a new-to-me author and enjoying her story
* All of it really except

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Having to wait for the next book in the series
* Not a dislike but a notice that this version is an ARC and I am sure that the final version will have slight editing fixed taken care of

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the ARC – this is my honest review.

4-5 Stars

Dirty Dayna

1,805 reviews107 followers

April 21, 2022

i must first say this is nearly a 5 star book. the gladiator and slavery aspect was so beautifully defined and world building that it was amazing. I do not see where this series could possibly go in terms of "gladiators of the Vagabond" after reading this unless there plans on being more in the story becuase it truly ends in a way that a book could. The romance in this while it was building and developing to be this great aspect it all was rushed at the end which kind of through me off. I would love to read book 2 to see where our characters wind up!

April 4, 2022

Beast Unburdened was a very engaging Sci-Fi Romance whose plot although not a new one of human females abducted from Earth by alien slavers turned into an exciting read as the author infused her story with its own enticing vision of that happenstance and its ultimate outcome.
Populated with a variety of fascinating alien species encountered by the lead Abigail after she is awakened from stasis and then thrown into a cage to be breed with the BEAST a Lacerten male, the only known one in the universe and not at all what he wants his captors to believe he is makes the revelations even SWEETER as the story progresses.
I loved that the heroine Abigail was a woman of color which is always a pleasure to read in a narrative.
This one is well written and told from the perspectives of Abigail and Ziame (the Beast) with plenty of action, suspense and a delicious romance that blossoms between the two.
A story well told and enjoyed by this reader who is looking forward to reading more of this author’s works in the future.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review


2 reviews

March 6, 2022

Superneat book, good likable characters, new species, surprising twists, humor. Not going to say more, just read it.

Rachel Guthrie

1 review

March 3, 2022

Absolutely amazing book it had so many wonderful parts to it!! I’m hoping for a second book to follow more into Abigail and Ziame’s life together!! It’s a definite must read book

Elizabeth Thomas

201 reviews35 followers

May 15, 2023

What a surprising book!!!
Going into this book, I didn't really think there would be a lot of story but I was wrong. The depth that the characters were written was amazing that I had to double check how long this book was.

Really recommend and now I got to save some money to get the rest of the series

Emily Pennington

18.7k reviews310 followers

April 6, 2022

Abigail and Ziame's Story . . .

Abigail was kidnapped and taken by aliens to be bred with a Lecteren and the offspring sold. She was terrified of Ziame, having seen him kill a guard and toss the body away. He knew his captors would now use the pain collar to punish him and he pretended to fall to the floor unconscious as they put the female in his cage. He had pretended from the moment of his capture to be rebellious and unable to follow simple commands so they would not see him as an escape risk or planner. Just a brute who could fight well in the gladiator arena. They had no idea he was gentle and highly intelligent and would soon be planning an escape. When they put their plan into action, would they get away from their captors? And would the trust and respect building between Abigail and Ziame be enough to make them want to stay together?

This story is well-written and intriguing as Ziame plans to rescue all of them. Action, suspense, and maybe some romance will keep the reader fully involved in the story line. Grab your copy and see if they can get away and start a new life.


Sue Wallace

6,546 reviews82 followers

April 3, 2022

Beast unburdened Robin O'connor.
Gladiators of the Vagabond Book 1.
Monsters are real. And so are aliens…
The beast was terrifying. Eight foot tall, covered in green scales with horns that would make a bull jealous. When they threw me into his cell, expecting him to knock me up so they could sell his offspring, the last thingIexpectedwas to find a gentle giant.
Okay, okay, notthatgentle. He did kill a guy and tossed his corpse at my feet the moment we met. Not exactly romantic.
But he gives the best cuddles, that counts for something right?
When the slavers threw a pretty human into my cell I knew I had to act. Everything had been building up to this moment.
To break out of this cell.
To free my brothers from a fate in the arena.
I have to step up. I have to be more than the mindless beast I’ve pretended to be.
To save the pretty female I have to be their leader.…and maybe I can convince her to stay by my side while I do it.
Absolutely brilliant read. I loved the story and characters. 5*.

Linda C

182 reviews1 follower

April 4, 2022

Abigail wakes up in a glass tube. She see warthog aliens all around her. They take her to another alien doctor that puts translators behind each ear without the help of numbing medication. He explains he is sorry, but they don’t allow him any. He also injects her with a fertility drug. The warthog aliens throw her in a cell with The Beast. He is one of the alien gladiators locked up in cells in the spaceship. They want to sell his offspring.
The Beast had the head more like a bull with 3 foot horns, he had a mouth full of sharp teeth, black claws, and a lizard tail. All the gladiators had remote collars on them to make them comply to instruct or meek out punishment. But Ziame was not unintelligent as the Krektar in charge thought he was. He told and demonstrated to Abigail he would not hurt her. Eventually she begin to trust him. Ziame was devising a plan to escape with Abigail and the others.
Eventually a HEA for Ziame and Abigail.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Nina Diab

3,235 reviews37 followers

April 6, 2022

I absolutely loved this book! What a fantastic story! Great world building. I absolutely loved the characters. Ziame won my heart pretty quickly, but I was surprised at the number of supporting characters that resonated strongly with me as well. Abigail was a wonderful heroine. Finding herself in an unknown and horrifying situation, she kept her head and proved to be smart, brave, caring, and resourceful. I think she and Ziame were perfectly matched. This story hooked my attention from the start and I couldn't put it down until I'd finished it. There was suspense and action and I was completely captivated. It looks like this is the beginning of a new series. I'm so happy about that as I love these characters and am no where near ready to let them go yet. This is the first book I've read by this author, but it definitely won't be the last. I highly recommend picking this one up. 5 stars.

Christyn P

294 reviews

April 7, 2022

Abigail and Ziame had an amazing story to their bond. Fate threw them together and their love blossomed. Both capable in their own ways and also aware of how the other fulfills something they didn’t know they needed. Their passion was super hot. The plot was so detailed and interwove so much that I cannot wait for the next in this series! So well done!.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.


2 reviews

April 6, 2022

This was a very enjoyable, fun read. I was engrossed. There's plenty of elements to the story to love, even if it contains a commonly used trope (alien abduction). The main characters were interesting and had a great dynamic, and it was great fun to discover all the various alien races. I felt like the world building was quite complex already for a first book but still easy to keep up with and you are definitely cheering them on with each victory. It surprised me how quickly you get to "know" the characters and root for them.

I felt sucked into the story the moment I picked it up and can't wait to read the next one in the series as soon as it comes out.


5,896 reviews69 followers

July 7, 2022

This is an awesome sci-fi romance!! Loved it! Lots of danger, action, and adventure.. Absolutely loved these characters! Ziame may be seen as a beast, but he's definitely Abigail's teddy bear..

Sanne Simons

7 reviews

March 1, 2022

Een verhaal wat je vanaf begin tot eind helemaal fascineert. Gebonden tot het afloopt en voor dat je het weet is het voorbij, wil je direct verder of opnieuw beginnen in de hoop dat je bij herlezen ontdekt dat je wat gemist hebt of dat je al door kunt naar het volgende.
Zeer veelbelovende auteur, al haar werk is uniek. Gelijk aan Anne MacCaffrey, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Elizabeth Haydon en Robin Hobb.

Mc Chanster

476 reviews

December 6, 2022

Definitely enjoyed this book!

The world building was well done and I quite liked O’Connor’s variety of characters. I mean, who doesn’t love a whole crew of gentle giants? The plot was engaging and there were solid bouts of action along with the romance that kept me engaged throughout the entire book. Ziame and Abigail were great mains and I loved how their attraction built through the novel rather than it be instantaneous. Plus, a strong, intelligent, POC female main who kicks ass in stilettos? I was pretty hooked right from the beginning and read in just a couple sittings. I’m very much looking forward to what comes next in this series!

Thank you Voracious Readers and Robin O’Connor for my copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

    adult-reads arc-reads completed-series

Karen Fisher

1,108 reviews9 followers

January 1, 2024

This is a very entertaining book. Abigail being kidnapped with her stilettos was a plus. Kinda gory how she ended up using them. The different species held with her was so different and plain weird but it all worked. I really enjoyed the ending. I received an advanced copy of this book from net galley and freely leave this honest review.


Ana M. Román

655 reviews87 followers

October 1, 2022

Se lee rápidamente ya que siempre está pasando algo. Por otro lado, la relación entre ambos se desarrolla lentamente.

Sí me he quedado con ganas de ver el progreso en la relación de Suren y Tori, especialmente porque a esta última le han tocado cartas muy feas. Muy centrada se ve para el estado en el que se despierta.

También me hubiera gustado ver más de esa reacción que se supone que iba a desencadenar Ziame cuando por fin durmiera con Abigail. La autora la menciona pero se queda en eso y luego no se aprecia que suceda nada fuera de lo normal.

Historia entretenida pero sinceramente no tenía muy claro que hubiera continuado con ella sino es porque el último capítulo, ya centrado en Kitan, ha llamado mi atención.


96 reviews

April 21, 2022

I chose this book nudged by a family member encouraging me to read outside of my usual genres.

This SciFi romance novel was set on an alien spacecraft. The main protagonist, a female black woman herself human, finds herself held captive by sentient alien beings, but that is just the story's beginning.

I enjoyed this story more than I expected. It was an easy read, complete escapism that left me wanting to understand more about the new world in which Abigail found herself. I hope there will be more in this series.

I would like to thank #BeastUnburdened #NetGalley for the opportunity of reading this advanced copy in exchange for my own honest review. This book was due for release on April 4, 2022.

    country-specific easy-read female-writer


157 reviews4 followers

October 5, 2022

Alien abduction romance

I enjoyed reading this alien abduction romance, where the main characters were slaves to begin with and forced proximity was involved. There were Gladiator fights, pirate spaceships, crime lords, and a happily ever after. There were, however, threads that were left unresolved. Looking forward to the next books in this series.
I dropped a star because it needed a bit more editing/ proofing.

Lisa Bing

4,023 reviews48 followers

November 15, 2022

This was a fab series opener by a new-to-me author. Abbie, kidnapped to be used for breeding purposes with Ziame, finds love with this beast of a gladiator. Ziame was way more than he wanted his captors to know and was working to find a way to escape for everyone. This story is fast paced and full of action, suspense, and steamy romance. Told in dual POV, I found myself madly turning pages to see how things would unfold. All great fun and I can't wait to dive into the next book :D

Charde Jackson

533 reviews16 followers

July 20, 2022

Gladiators! oh yeah!

Love a good gladiator romance, just something about the forced proximity. This book had all those elements, plus good action, and world building! I’ll definitely be on the lookout for the next book in this series!

Corinne Riendeau

24 reviews

April 30, 2022

Aliens, space travel, gladiators, prison breaks, and romance - what more could you want?
I loved the world building and character development in this story. Abigail was a wonderful lead - strong, willful, and caring. Ziame was a classic misunderstood, calculating, and clever counterpoint.
My only issue was a stylistic choice that may not bother everyone, but I found it very confusing. Having dialogue from different characters in the same paragraph took me out of the flow of reading.
On a whole, definitely worth the read!
Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

    bipoc-mc ebook net-galley


97 reviews3 followers

June 12, 2022

This is a true gem. It is by an Indie Author. I am so glad I found it. Action, suspense, danger, love, great world building, surprises, and the underdogs fighting for their freedom against a crime lord, everything you could ask for packed into one full length, stand alone novel!

The heroine is non stereotypical. She is a muscular and 6 feet tall. Strong, independent, Nigerian, Vietnamese, Italian woman finds her man, saves herself, and assists in the groups escape from slavers. Want a strong heroine- look no further.

I am going to look for more from her.

HEA guarantee (so far). Full length novel. No cliff hanger.

I received a free copy from the author and chose to leave a review.

I received a free copy from the author and am opting to leave a review.


333 reviews2 followers

December 30, 2023

Just terrible. I did enjoy the first half of the book, but wow the second half was awful. This book is very very light on romance and way too much focus on the fight, which i didn't care about at all and starting my skimming of the book. I just wanted the fight to end to actually get to the romance. So i was end definitely disappointed. Also only 1 actual sex scene, which is also disappointing since she was brought to the ship for the sole purpose of breeding. Then they talked about mating but never actually heard about the mating itself. Will not continue the series.


50k reviews21 followers

Want to read

April 15, 2024

🎁 FREE on Amazon today (10/3/2022)! 🎁

    freebie sci-fi

Karen Nastasio

2,443 reviews16 followers

September 24, 2022

This is my first time reading the author’s and this book was brilliant and I’m so looking forward to the next one. Abigail is a human that was kidnapped from earth and was found and brought in a damaged statis pod and when she woke an alien Dr Lukalyn Nerizana is checking her out when they put in translators behind her ears it was done without pain killers and then a shock collars is put on and then he gives her a scalpel to hide and then she is taken to the cells and when she passes by then there are strange aliens locked up but the biggest alien is the one they call The Beast at the end that I will breed with or I’ll be tortured. Ziame is a Lacerten warrior who they call The Beast and the sounds of pain coming from the Doctor rooms he hopes the female is ok and then they bring her into the cells and they are bringing her to me and will protect her from these Krektar guards who run us gladiators for the Crime lord Dramel who makes a fight but I won’t step back and so they shock me till I collapse and they think I’m unconscious then she is pushed into my cell but I’m faking it and when they leave I come around. Abigail is shocked at how high the volts where used on the beast and she feels bad for him but when he moves she realizes he was faking it and when he whisperers to her saying he won’t hurt her and force himself on her as well and it isn’t long before start to have feelings for each other. Then a new female was brought into the cells but she is pregnant and terrified but they have a plan to escape and everyone has a part to play. How will it all turn out do they escape there evil captor’s and finally have freedom or does it all fall apart. There is danger, suspense, action, gladiator games, killing, finding peace and above all love and so much more going on inside. Brilliant.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Beast Unburdened (Gladiators of the Vagabond #1) (2024)
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Article information

Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Views: 5764

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.