Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (2024)

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Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (9)

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (10)

Medically Reviewed byDr. Aman Priya Khanna

Written by Sangeeta Sharma, last updated on 2 January 2024

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (11)

Table of Contents

  • Caloric Content of Parathas
  • Nutritional Composition of A Paratha
  • Health Benefits of Consuming Parathas
  • Consumption Limit of Parathas
  • Drawbacks of Overconsuming Parathas
  • Takeaway
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • References

Paratha has earned a soft spot in the hearts and plates of people in India. However, understanding the number of calories in one paratha is important.

A paratha is not only a delicious treat for your taste buds; it is also a source of nourishment and vitality. But how many calories are in one paratha? Continue reading to find out the answer!

Caloric Content of Parathas

The calorie value of a paratha varies greatly depending on its size, ingredients, and preparation method. Calories in 1 plain paratha are 150 to 200 calories on average. However, adding ghee, butter, or other additives during cooking can significantly boost the calorie count.

For example, calories in one aloo paratha can have 300 to 350 calories or more. Based on common ingredients, here is a general calorie content table for several types of parathas.

Please remember that these estimates may vary depending on portion size, cooking method, and recipe.

Type of Paratha

Caloric Count (Approx. for one paratha)

Aloo Paratha

300-350 calories

Gobi Paratha

250-300 calories

Paneer Paratha

250-300 calories

Plain Paratha

150-200 calories

Methi Paratha

200-250 calories

Spinach Paratha

180-220 calories

Whole Wheat Paratha

150-200 calories

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (12)

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (13)

Nutritional Composition of A Paratha

The nutritional composition of a paratha can vary depending on its size, ingredients, and preparation method. Parathas contain critical nutrients that benefit your overall health. This includes the following:

  1. Carbohydrates: Parathas are made primarily of wheat flour and are an excellent source of complex carbs. Carbohydrates are the body's primary energy source and help with various bodily activities.

  2. Fibre: Whole wheat parathas are high in dietary fibre, which improves digestion, regulates blood sugar levels, and provides a sensation of fullness. Fibre also promotes gut health.

  3. Protein: Protein is found in whole wheat flour and is necessary for tissue repair, muscular growth, and overall body upkeep.

  4. Vitamins and Minerals: Parathas contain B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6). They are essential for energy metabolism and minerals such as iron and magnesium, which help with various body activities.

Here is a nutritional chart for a plain whole wheat paratha based on a normal serving size of one medium-sized paratha.


Amount Per 100g


30 - 50 g


7 g

Total Fat

7 g

Saturated Fat

2 g

Monounsaturated Fat

3 g

Polyunsaturated Fat

2 g

Dietary Fibre

2 g


0 mg


300 mg


150 mg


30 mg


2 mg

Vitamin C

0 mg

Vitamin A

0 IU

Health Benefits of Consuming Parathas

Parathas can provide various health advantages when consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. It's important to note that the healthiness of parathas depends on how they are prepared and what ingredients are used. Some health benefits of parathas include:

  1. Energy Source: The flour used to make parathas contains complex carbs. These carbohydrates are the body's principal energy source, fueling daily activities and maintaining basic functioning.

  2. Dietary Fibre: Whole wheat parathas, particularly, include nutritional fibre, which assists digestion and promotes gut health. Fibre can aid in preventing constipation, regulating bowel movements, and the overall health of the digestive system.

  3. Nutrient Boost: Whole wheat flour parathas provide critical nutrients such as B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6), which are important for energy metabolism and nervous system function. They also contain minerals such as iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, which help with various biological tasks.

  4. Satiety: The carbohydrate and fibre content of parathas can help you feel full and satisfied after a meal. Satiety can help prevent overeating and aid with weight management.

  5. Versatility: Parathas can be stuffed with various items, including vegetables, paneer (cottage cheese), lentils, or meats. This adaptability allows you to incorporate a variety of nutrients into your meal.

Consumption Limit of Parathas

Calories in one paratha can be considered high due to the flour and frequent use of oil or ghee in its preparation. Here are some common recommendations to follow when deciding how many parathas to eat:

  1. Calorie Intake: The calorie value of parathas varies greatly depending on their size, ingredients, and cooking method. Calories in one paratha contain 150 to 200 calories. However, loaded parathas with cheese or potatoes may contain more calories. Consider your daily caloric intake and how the parathas fit into your diet.

  2. Portion Size: The size of the paratha is important. Smaller parathas contain fewer calories than larger parathas. You can reduce your calorie intake by eating smaller servings.

  3. Frequency: Parathas are good to have occasionally, but they should not constitute most of your meals. Aim for moderation and limit your intake of parathas to a few times per week rather than every day.

Remember, moderation and balance are essential. If you have special health objectives, calculate how many calories are in 1 paratha based on the recipe and portion size. Recognizing your body's demands can allow you to relish parathas while maintaining a well-rounded diet.

Drawbacks of Overconsuming Parathas

Overconsumption of parathas can harm your health in the short and long term. Excessive eating might result in a variety of health issues. Here are some of the potential consequences of overconsuming parathas:

  1. Weight Gain: Consuming too many calories without burning them through physical exercise might increase weight over time.

  2. High Caloric Intake: Excessive consumption of parathas might contribute to a high daily caloric intake. This can result in an imbalance between calories taken and calories expended.

  3. Blood Sugar Spike: Due to their high glycemic index, parathas made from refined flour can quickly increase blood sugar levels. This can be especially problematic for people who have diabetes or are at risk of getting diabetes.

  4. Unhealthy Fats: Cooking parathas with too much ghee, butter, or unhealthy cooking oils might increase your intake of dangerous saturated and trans fats. A high intake of these fats has been linked to cardiovascular risks.

  5. Digestive Issues: Having too many parathas, especially ones prepared with too much oil or ghee, can cause intestinal pain, bloating, and indigestion.

  6. Lifestyle Impact: Excessive reliance on calorie-dense meals such as parathas can discourage you from adopting a balanced diet. This can thereby negatively influence your overall health and well-being.


Parathas can be a delightful and wholesome addition to your diet when consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Diverse and well-rounded nutrition is essential for excellent health and general well-being.

Consider portion amounts and adopt better cooking methods to maximize the health advantages. For more information, you can contact HexaHealth. The platform will advise you on any medical or nutritional issues. Book your consultation today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many calories are in one paratha?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (14)

A simple whole wheat paratha has about 150 to 200 calories on average. However, the calorie count will increase in parathas with additional ingredients such as ghee, butter, or fillings.

How many calories are in one aloo paratha?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (16)

A medium-sized aloo (potato) paratha contains about 250 to 300 calories on average. This estimate includes the calories from the wheat flour, the potato filling, and cooking oil or ghee.

How many calories are in one methi paratha?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (18)

Calories in one methi paratha are between 170 to 220. Remember that these estimates may vary depending on your recipe and ingredients.

How many calories are in one plain paratha?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (20)

The calorie in 1 plain paratha varies depending on its size, the type of flour used, and the cooking technique. A medium-sized plain paratha made from whole wheat flour contains approximately 150 to 200 calories.

How many calories are in paratha without oil?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (22)

Removing the oil or ghee used in cooking reduces the calorie count significantly. A plain paratha made with whole wheat flour and cooked without oil may average 100 to 150 calories.

How many calories are in one aloo paratha without oil?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (24)

A medium-sized aloo paratha made from whole wheat flour and cooked without oil may have 200 to 250 calories on average. The number varies depending on the size of the paratha and the amount of filling used.

What is the nutritional value of one paratha?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (26)

A plain, average-sized, whole wheat paratha contains approximately:

  1. Calories: 150-200 kcal

  2. Carbohydrates: 25-30 g

  3. Protein: 4-5 g

  4. Fat: 4-6 g

  5. Fibre: 3-4 g

What is the calorie content of 1 paratha?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (28)

A medium-sized plain whole wheat paratha contains approximately 150 to 200 calories. This amount, however, is an approximation and may vary depending on the precise recipe and ingredients used.

What is the recommended consumption limit for paratha, considering its calorie content?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (30)

The recommended daily intake of paratha varies. However, limiting yourself to 1-2 parathas per meal is best due to their high-calorie content.

Are there any variations in the calorie count of different types of parathas?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (32)

Yes, the calorie content of different types of parathas varies. This is because of factors like ingredients, fillings, and cooking methods.

Is it possible to reduce the calorie count in paratha by using alternative cooking methods?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (34)

Yes, you can minimise the calorie count in parathas by different cooking methods. This can be accomplished by utilising healthier ingredients like whole wheat flour, leaner fillings, and less oil or ghee.

Can you suggest healthier alternatives to traditional parathas to lower calorie intake?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (36)

Here are healthier alternatives to traditional parathas for lower calorie intake:

  1. Whole wheat or multi-grain parathas

  2. Use less oil or ghee while cooking

  3. Opt for baking or grilling instead of frying

  4. Choose vegetable-based fillings like spinach or grated carrots

  5. Incorporate lean proteins like grilled chicken or tofu

Can I eat paratha during my diet?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (38)

Yes, you can incorporate parathas into your diet, but do so with caution and moderation. Choosing smaller parathas and maintaining balance through frequent physical activity is preferable.

Is paratha a junk food?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (40)

Paratha is not inherently junk food. It is a classic Indian flatbread produced from whole wheat flour that can be a component of a nutritious diet.

Can I eat paratha at night?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (42)

Yes, paratha can be eaten at night. However, it is best to do so in moderation and about your daily calorie consumption.

What is the best time to eat paratha?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (44)

Some people may find paratha more difficult to digest, especially if it contains a lot of oil or ghee. However, the digestibility of paratha can vary depending on factors such as the individual's metabolism, overall health, and allergies.

Does paratha cause weight gain?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (46)

If taken in excess, paratha might contribute to weight gain. An increase in weight can occur when portion sizes and overall calorie intake are not considered.

Which has more calories: dosa or parantha?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (48)

A dosa often contains fewer calories than a paratha. A paratha is a thicker Indian flatbread that contains more calories when cooked with oil, ghee, or butter.

What are the health benefits of parantha?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (50)

The health benefits of parantha are:

  1. Provide carbohydrates for energy

  2. Whole wheat versions offer fibre, vitamins, and minerals

  3. Can be part of diverse meal plans

  4. Carbs and fibre promote a feeling of fullness

  5. Can be made with various fillings for nutrients

Is it healthy to eat paratha every day?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (52)

Consuming paratha daily is not necessarily harmful. Although, you should think about portion sizes, cooking methods, and the overall balance of your diet.

What are the benefits of paratha?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (54)

Here are some of the major benefits of paratha:

  1. Energy source due to carbohydrates.

  2. Provides important elements such as B vitamins and minerals.

  3. Provides a sense of fullness.

  4. Can be incorporated into a well-balanced diet.

  5. Protein source when loaded with protein-rich foods.

What are the side effects of eating paratha every day?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (56)

Eating paratha every day can potentially lead to the following side effects:

  1. Weight gain

  2. High caloric intake

  3. Blood sugar spikes

  4. Increased risk of heart disease (due to high saturated fats)

  5. Nutrient imbalance

  6. Digestive issues

Is paratha good for the heart?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (58)

Yes, parathas can be beneficial to one's heart health. Plain whole wheat parathas prepared with minimal oil might be healthy for your heart.

Is it okay to eat paratha for breakfast every day?

Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (60)

While eating paratha for breakfast occasionally is fine, it is not recommended to consume it every day. This is due to its high-calorie density and possible impact on overall diet balance.


All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Ourmedical reviewersalso check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Agarwal B. Health Benefits of Egg Parathas [Internet]. EatFIt. 2023 [cited 2023 Aug 24]. Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (62)
  2. Plain Paratha Calories and Nutritional Information [Internet]. [cited 2024 Jan 2].Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (63)

Updated on : 2 January 2024


Calories in Paratha: Nutritional Facts & Consumption Limit (64)

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

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