Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (2024)

Posted by Ruth Soukup | Dessert Recipes, Holiday Recipes | 29

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (1)

Love apple pie but not all the effort? You won’t believe how quick and easy it is to whip up this amazingly delicious Easy Caramel Apple Pie!

My husband really, really loves apple pie. It is the only dessert he ever asks for. But, being the devoted wife that I am, I would only ever make it for Thanksgiving. Because let’s face it: apple pie is a lot of work. Between the homemade crust and all those apples that need to be peeled and cored and sliced, it just wasn’t a commitment I was willing to make on a regular basis.

Until now.

A few months ago, on our month-long road trip, some friends introduced us to a handy little tool that has changed our life! You may have already heard of it, but I was blown away. It was an apple corer-peeler-slicer. Have you ever seen one? They are SO cool! We have never eaten so many apples in our life, and by always keeping a few rolls of refrigerated pie crust handy, I can now literally whip up an apple pie any time the urge strikes.

Oh-So-Easy Caramel Apple Pie

My go-to apple pie recipe is pretty simple, but I sometimes like to jazz it up with the addition of some homemade caramel sauce. It also works great with a jar of store-bought caramel, or you can skip the caramel altogether and just add extra sugar. I also like to use a combination of sweet and tart apples for better flavor.

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (2)

Here is what you need:

1 package refrigerated rolled pie crust (2 rolls)
5 tart apples (I like Granny Smith)
3 sweet apples (such as Pink Lady, Macintosh, Envy or Honeycrisp)
½ cup sugar
2½ tablespoons lemon juice
1½ teaspoons cinnamon
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
3 pats butter
1 8-oz. jar caramel sauce (optional)
1 large egg
1 tablespoon heavy cream

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (3)

Step 1: Peel, core and slice apples. Remove pie crust from refrigerator and let sit on counter for 10 minutes. Preheat oven to 375ºF. Note: Peeling and slicing the apples is the hardest part of making apple pie, so just trust me when I say that if you like apple pie, buying one of these apple corer-peeler-slicers might be the best money you ever spend. It literally took me about 5 minutes to core, peel and slice all 8 apples.

Step 2: In a large bowl, mix apples, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and nutmeg until apples are well coated. Note: If you are omitting the caramel sauce, be sure to add an extra ¼ cup of sugar here.

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (4)

Step 3: Unroll first pie crust and set on 9½” pie plate. Unroll second pie crust on cutting board and cut out design or pattern, if desired.

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (5)

Step 4: Place ½ of apples in pie crust. Top with 3 pats butter. Cover with remaining apples.

Step 5: Heat caramel in microwave to bring it to pouring consistency. Carefully pour over top of apples.

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (6)

Step 6: Carefully place 2nd crust over top of apples and crimp edges with edge of bottom crust to seal.

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (7)

Step 7: Whisk together egg and heavy cream. Carefully brush top of pie with egg mixture. Sprinkle with sugar if desired.

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (8)

Step 8: Bake at 375ºF for 60-75 minutes, until crust is brown and juices are bubbly. If crust begins to brown too quickly, cover with foil. Let cool on wire rack before serving.

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (9)

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (10)


Oh-So-Easy Caramel Apple Pie

A great addition to your Thanksgiving pie lineup!

Course Dessert

Cuisine American

Keyword Oh-So-Easy Caramel Apple Pie

Prep Time 20 minutes

Cook Time 1 hour 15 minutes

Total Time 1 hour 35 minutes


  • 1 package refrigerated rolled pie crust 2 rolls
  • 5 tart apples I like Granny Smith
  • 3 sweet apples such as Pink Lady, Macintosh, Envy, or Honeycrisp
  • ½ cup sugar
  • tablespoons lemon juice
  • teaspoons cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
  • 3 pats butter
  • 1 8 oz. jar caramel sauce optional
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tablespoon heavy cream


  1. Peel, core and slice apples. Remove pie crust from refrigerator and let set on counter for 10 minutes. Preheat oven to 375ºF.

  2. In a large bowl, mix apples, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and nutmeg until apples are well coated. (If you are omitting the caramel sauce, be sure to add an extra ¼ cup of sugar here.)

  3. Unroll first pie crust and set on 9½" pie plate. Unroll second pie crust on cutting board and cut out design or pattern, if desired.

  4. Place ½ of apples in pie crust. Top with 3 pats butter. Cover with remaining apples.

  5. Heat caramel in microwave to bring it to pouring consistency. Carefully pour over top of apples.

  6. Carefully place 2nd crust over top of apples and crimp edges with edge of bottom crust to seal.

  7. Whisk together egg and heavy cream. Carefully brush top of pie with egg mixture. Sprinkle with sugar if desired. Bake at 375ºF for 60-75 minutes, until crust is brown and juices are bubbly. If crust begins to brown too quickly, cover with foil. Let cool before serving.

Recipe Notes

Preparing the apples is the hardest part of making apple pie, so just trust me when I say that if you like apple pie, buying one of those apple corer-peeler-slicers might be the best money you ever spend. It literally took me about 5 minutes to core, peel and slice all 8 apples.

Don’t miss these delicious recipes:

  1. Oh-So-Easy Crockpot Caramel
  2. Caramel Cream Cheese Apple Dip
  3. Mountain Dew Apple Dumplings


Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (11)

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Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (12)

Ruth Soukup

Founder at Living Well Spending Less

Ruth Soukup is dedicated to helping people everywhere create a life they love by follwing their dreams and achieving their biggest goals. She is the host of the wildly popular Do It Scared podcast, as well as the founder of Living Well Spending Less® and Elite Blog Academy®. She is also the New York Times bestselling author of six books, including Do It Scared®: Finding the Courage to Face Your Fears, Overcome Obstacles, and Create a Life You Love, which was the inspiration for this book. She lives in Florida with her husband Chuck, and 2 daughters Maggie & Annie.

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (14)

Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (16)

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Easy Caramel Apple Pie | The BEST Easy Apple Pie Recipe (2024)


What are the three best apples for apple pie? ›

The best apples for making apple pie
  • Braeburn. This apple is a descendant of Granny Smith, but slightly sweeter. ...
  • Cortland. ...
  • Crispin (Mutsu). ...
  • Golden Delicious. ...
  • Granny Smith. ...
  • Honeycrisp. ...
  • Jonagold or Jonathan. ...
  • Northern Spy.
Oct 8, 2021

Is it better to cook apple pie filling first? ›

To bring out the best apple flavor and texture, pre-cook the filling for about 5 minutes on the stove. Bake and cool the pie, and then top with vanilla ice cream for the ultimate homestyle dessert.

How do you make an apple pie not runny? ›

The best way to thicken runny apple pie filling before baking it is to add some cornstarch, tapioca starch, or flour to your mix. To fix a runny pie that's already been baked, simply let it cool to see if it will congeal naturally. If not, you can stick it back in the oven for a bit longer.

How do you keep apples from getting mushy in a pie? ›

Here are some tips to prevent runny apple pie.
  1. Precook the filling. ...
  2. Reduce the juice. ...
  3. Experiment with different thickeners. ...
  4. Vent the top crust. ...
  5. Try a lattice or crumb top crust. ...
  6. Bake thoroughly — and then some. ...
  7. Let the pie cool completely — preferably overnight.
Sep 19, 2018

What is the best baking apple for apple pie? ›

The best apples for apple pie that are widely available include Braeburn, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith and Honeycrisp apples. Others to look for at your local market that will be excellent in apple pie are Cortland, Crispin, Ida Reds, Jonagold, McIntosh, Northern Spy, Pink Lady, Rome and Winesap.

What apples make the sweetest apple pie? ›

Honeycrisp. The Honeycrisp apple is one of the sweeter varieties, so it definitely is not lacking in the flavor department.

Should I Prebake my pie crust for apple pie? ›

If you're making a traditional two-crust apple pie, the crust should not be pre-baked. If the bottom crust is baked, you won't be able to pinch it together with the top crust after adding the filling. Prebaking is only practical for single-crust pies.

What apples should not be used for apple pie? ›

Red Delicious and Gala are two apples that won't withstand cooking temperatures and should not be used for apple pie. Many new apple varieties, including Honeycrisp, have a flesh that fractures when you bite it. This is so appealing for snacking on an apple, but not the best feature for a good apple pie apple.

What thickens apple pie filling? ›

When thickening a fruit pie filling, there are several options to consider. Very often flour or cornstarch is used, but in certain instances tapioca, arrowroot and potato starch can also help achieve the desired consistency.

What kind of apples make the best pie? ›

Honeycrisp apples err on the sweeter side, with a distinct honey-like flavor; Braeburns toe the line between sweet and tart; and Gold Delicious apples intensify in flavor when baked. Mixed together, these three varieties create a powerful, balanced apple pie filling.

How to tell if apple pie is done? ›

I bake apple pie in a 400°F oven for about 75 minutes.

You can tell it is done when the filling is bubbling out of the crust and looks thick.

Should pies be baked on a cookie sheet? ›

It's always a good idea to bake pies on a baking sheet.

Should I soften my apples or leave them uncooked for apple pie? ›

Baking the apple slices first. It's the magic key to a crispy base, superior flavour and perfectly-cooked-and-never-mushy filling. It's also how you get a generous amount of pie filling without the dreaded giant empty cavity under the lid.

Why did my apples turn to applesauce in my pie? ›

For example, sweeter apples tend to break down easier than their acidic partners. This means that apples like Red Delicious break down quickly, turning your pie into more of an applesauce than a delectable dessert.

Why is my apple pie full of liquid? ›

In fact, one of the biggest mistakes pie makers make, apart from not cooking their pie long enough, is not cooling their pie. Let fruit pies cool for at least 3 hours before slicing them. In fact, I recommend letting a pie cool overnight if you find it to be slightly runny.

What 4 apples are best used for baking? ›

For the best pies, crisps, and other baked treats, apples need to be firm enough to hold their own during the cooking process. We call these apples “baking apples” and to namedrop, they include Braeburn, Cortland, Honey Gold, Jonathan, Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Haralson, and Newtown Pippin.

What are the top 3 best apples? ›

10 Most Popular Apple Types—and Which Ones Are Best for Baking and Snacking
  • 01 of 10. Granny Smith. undefined undefined / GETTY IMAGES. ...
  • 02 of 10. Golden Delicious. liaminou / GETTY IMAGES. ...
  • 03 of 10. Red Delicious. LiveFree / GETTY IMAGES. ...
  • 04 of 10. McIntosh. ...
  • 05 of 10. Honeycrisp. ...
  • 06 of 10. Gala. ...
  • 07 of 10. Pink Lady. ...
  • 08 of 10. Fuji.
Oct 6, 2023

How do you pick apples for apple pie? ›

Ripe apples are firm and crisp to the touch. When you find an apple you like, lift the apple upwards and give it a little twist to release it from the tree. Don't pull the fruit down or shake the branch. Keeping the stem on the fruit will help it last longer.

What are the top three sweetest apples? ›

Apple Sweetness Chart
Types of ApplesSweetest LevelPeak‑of‑season
Fujithe sweetest apple varietymid- to late October
Galahighly sweetlate July to early September
Golden Delicioussweet, rich and mild in flavormid- to late September
Red Delicioussweet-tart mix but very mild in flavormid- to late September
7 more rows
Aug 9, 2022

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