Einkorn Bread: A Simple, No-Knead Recipe (2024)

If you’ve ever suffered from a gluten allergy then you know how hard it can be to find bread products that won’t do serious damage to your digestive system. Luckily for you, we’ve found the perfect solution! Einkorn bread is a light bread with the lowest glycemic index meaning you can still enjoy all of the delights of bread, but without any of the allergic reactions! This simple sourdough starter will have you creating delicious and healthy bread in no time!

The following is an excerpt from Restoring Heritage Grains by Eli Rogosa. It has been adapted for the web.

Einkorn Sourdough Starter

About a week before you plan to bake, mix equal amounts of flour and pure water; that is, well water, spring water or distilled water. (Do not use chlorinated water. It will destroy the beneficial microbes.) Repeat the feeding each day for about seven days. After a week of feeding, the starter should be mature, active, and ready to use. You will observe that the freshly fed starter will rise and bubble through the day, then later collapse when the sugars are fully metabolized. To create an active starter uniquely adapted to your local water, flour, and temperature, observe the timing of this cycle in your starter. The best time to feed the starter is when your starter has risen up and just slightly begins to pull down. This is the ripe moment when the microbes are active and hungry.

Day 1

Mix together equal amounts of water and einkorn flour. For example, 2 Tbsp (30 g) warm water and 2 Tbsp (30 g) einkorn flour. Mix well, and place in a glass container with a loose top to allow airflow. Stir a few times a day if possible. Store in a cool dark place or in your refrigerator in the summer.

Day 2 thru Day 5

Each day stir in 2 Tbsp (30 g) warm water and 2 Tbsp (30 g) einkorn flour. Your starter is mature when there is a lovely aromatic sweet tangy fragrance and small fermentation bubbles arising throughout the mixture. It may take several experimental batches before you develop the best sourdough adaptation for your unique conditions. Be patient, persevere, and keep at it!


Pre-fermentation is a process to feed the microbes in the sourdough starter by adding more water and flour each day before mixing the bread dough, so that the starter is highly active and ready to use. It is especially important to feed your mother starter the day before you plan to make sourdough bread to get a good rise. This is an age-old practice throughout Europe and the Middle East. Each country has unique pre-ferment traditions. In France, a pre-ferment is called levain. It is a biga in Italy; in Germany, sauerteig. Originally from Poland, a poolish pre-ferment is known as a sponge in the United States. The subtle variables in each sourdough process such as temperature, water quality, and the air itself will give your sourdough a unique terroir all its own.

No-Knead Artisan Einkorn Bread Baked in a Dutch Oven

This is a basic traditional sourdough recipe that can be a foundation for creativity. It is incredibly easy to make even if you’ve never baked bread before. It looks so beautiful, no one will believe you’re not an experienced baker.


  • Mother Dough (Preferment)
  • 2 Tbsp (30 g) activated sourdough starter or 3/4 tsp (2 g) yeast
  • 1/2 cup (120 g) warm pure (unchlorinated) water
  • 1 cup (120 g) einkorn flour

For the dough

  • 5 cups (600 g) unsifted whole einkorn flour
  • 1 tsp salt (6 g)
  • 1 1/4 cup (300 g) warm pure water
  • 1 Tbsp (15 g) olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp honey (21 g) or maple syrup (20 g)
  • All of the Mother Dough (268 g)
  • 1/2 tsp (1.4 g) dry yeast or 1/4 cup (60 g) sourdough starter, if not using the Mother Dough as a starter


  1. Mix the flour and salt together.
  2. Mix the warm water, oil, and sweetener together. If you are not using the Mother Dough as a starter, add yeast to the dry ingredients or sourdough to wet ingredients.
  3. Mix all the ingredients together. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes so that the liquids are well absorbed. This is a wet dough, so do not be tempted to add more flour.
  4. On a well-floured work surface, use a dough scraper or your oiled hands to fold dough to the center several times to create a ball-like shape.
  5. Place on parchment paper in a large bowl.
  6. Cover with a plastic bag or wrap.
  7. Let it rise slowly in the cool darkness of a refrigerator overnight.
  8. The next day, preheat an oven-safe heavy pot for 30 minutes at 450°F (232°C). Carefully remove the hot pot from the oven with mitts. Use parchment paper to lift the dough into the hot pot.
  9. With the dough and parchment paper in the pot, cover and bake for about 45 minutes. For a crustier loaf, bake for 5 more minutes in uncovered pot.
  10. Cool and enjoy.

Variations: Crack an egg into the measuring cup before adding the warm water (still measure up to 1¼ cups). Grate ½ cup (118 g) cheese into flour. Substitute a tablespoon of cream for oil and/or warm milk for water at a 1:1 ratio. Add a cup of blended einkorn sprouts. (Blending avoids hard sprouts on the crust.) For enhanced moistness, substitute strained drained potato cooking water for plain water.

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Einkorn Bread: A Simple, No-Knead Recipe (2024)


Can I replace all-purpose flour with einkorn flour? ›

Einkorn Flour absorbs less water and at a much slower pace than all purpose flour. Because of this, a great conversion rate in recipes is to use an extra 1/4 cup of einkorn for every 1 cup of all purpose.

Can people with Celiac disease eat einkorn flour? ›

One of the most common questions we get “Is einkorn safe for me?” Einkorn is wheat and it is not recommended for those with Celiac disease. However for those who are not celiac, but are gluten sensitive, einkorn can be a great solution. You may have heard it is very low in gluten.

How do you make einkorn bread less dense? ›

Bread dough that is ready to bake should spring back when you press gently with your finger. Einkorn is lower in starch than modern wheat so adding an extra egg or whipped egg white to cakes will help with overall texture, keeping it from becoming too dense.

Can I use regular sourdough starter to make einkorn bread? ›

Yes, you can convert any starter to einkorn by using a piece of it and following the recipe for einkorn starter.

Can you use einkorn flour in place of bread flour? ›

As mentioned earlier, Einkorn definitely acts differently than other types of flour. It's really important to remember this and keep it in mind. You cannot (usually) take a regular wheat flour bread recipe and replace the wheat flour with einkorn without making some adjustments.

Why is my einkorn dough so sticky? ›

Just a little drizzle and only added once. I'm using freshly grounded whole grain Einkorn flour in the video, which can be much stickier. ✨ Einkorn has very weak gluten, therefore the dough won't be very elastic, hence the stickiness. The more you knead and work your dough, the more sticky it will be.

Is einkorn flour inflammatory? ›

Humankind's first wheat, einkorn, contains much lower levels of these glutens making it far less inflammatory, in fact, making it more beneficial than its modern genetically complex relative.

Does einkorn flour spike blood sugar? ›

Virgin Wheat flour uses the grain einkorn rather than regular refined wheat grains. It is non-processed, non-hybridized, non-GMO and has a low glycemic load, meaning it won't spike your blood sugar level.

What 3 grains should be avoided with celiac disease? ›

Rethink your grains: Avoid all products with barley, rye, triticale (a cross between wheat and rye), farina, graham flour, semolina, and any other kind of flour, including self-rising and durum, not labeled gluten-free. Be careful of corn and rice products.

Why does einkorn not work for baking as well as modern wheat? ›

Yeasted einkorn dough doesn't rise like modern wheat dough.

This is particularly true with einkorn bread. Don't expect big, fluffy dough during the initial rise. Yeasted einkorn dough does not double in size like modern wheat yeasted dough. This can also be expected when baking the dough.

How can I make my bread fluffier instead of dense? ›

Add Sugar

Adding sugar weakens the gluten structure, absorbs water, and eventually makes the bread lighter and softer. As a result, sugar improves the bread's taste, structure and texture. Yeast also eats up sugar to produce carbon dioxide, which raises the dough and makes bread fluffy.

Is einkorn flour good for sourdough? ›

Yes. While you cannot just use your favorite sourdough bread recipe (or any other sourdough recipe) and convert it to an einkorn version one-for-one, you can easily use einkorn flour for sourdough with a few tweaks. This is because einkorn flour requires less liquid than other flours.

How do you convert starter to einkorn? ›

Put 1/2 cup of einkorn flour in a small jar and mix with 1/3 cup of water. Then thoroughly mix in a teaspoon of your existing starter. At 80F, I'd leave it out for maybe 2-3 hours and then store in the fridge. Viola.

What is the best substitute for all-purpose flour? ›

Four All-Purpose Flour Alternatives
  • Chickpea Flour. Relatively new to American households, chickpea flour (also called garbanzo bean flour or besan in Indian kitchens) is arguably one of my favorite ingredients. ...
  • Rice Flour. ...
  • Almond Flour. ...
  • Buckwheat Flour.

What can I use if I run out of all-purpose flour? ›

All-purpose flour is the most common flour called for in recipes, for both cooking and baking. But if you don't have any in the pantry, or can't find any in the store, there are other flours you can use in its place. Bread flour and cake flour—on their own or mixed together—can substitute for all-purpose.

Should einkorn flour be sifted before measuring? ›

Si t your packaged einkorn lour through a fine sieve or lour si ter before measuring. Just like with all flours, sifting packaged einkorn flour will give you a much more accurate measurment.

Does einkorn flour need to be soaked? ›

SOAKING. While not necessary, we recommend soaking the einkorn wheat berries in the evening before going to bed. Place the grains in a bowl with twice the volume of water and let stand overnight. Therefore, for 1 cup of einkorn, you will need 2 cups of water.

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