How a hearty bowl of chicken soup can boost your health this winter (2024)

This article contains general information only and does not recommend or endorse any particular treatment. It is not intended to replace the advice provided by your own doctor or medical or health professional.

It doesn’t matter how bad your bones are aching or how intensely your cold-ridden chest hurts – slurping the hot liquid of a hearty bowl of chicken soup will most certainly make you feel better.

Chicken soups are internationally regarded as beloved comfort food with remedial powers. All you need to do ischoose your soup style – aMalaysian

chicken laksa,

a Balinese

soto ayam,




lemon chicken soup (avgolemono)

or a Persian

chicken meatball soup (gundi)

– and wash it down with an extra serve of vege for good health.

Once you finish your poultry-based dish, take some time to reflect. Did you feel better because the chicken soup you just devoured was healing or did your belief in a soupy myth produce a placebo effect?

It’s also known as Jewish penicillin. My grandmother used to make chicken bone broth all the time. And it really did work.

Does chicken soup really make you feel better?

“It’s also known as Jewish penicillin,” Selby says, touting the alternative treatment on episode three of

Medicine or Myth?

airing on SBS on Monday 3 June at 8.30pm.“My grandmother used to make chicken bone broth all the time. And it really did work.”

How a hearty bowl of chicken soup can boost your health this winter (1)

Sharon Selby is a big advocate for the healing power of chicken soup and brings her family recipe to the panel. Source: Medicine or Myth?

As Selby explains on the new SBS series, she used to suffer from bad colds and flu, which later escalated into pneumonia. Fed up with the state of her health, she revived her grandmother’s bone broth remedy in the kitchen. Selby says the soup has prevented the onset of colds and flu in her household ever since.

“When I make broth it's just so much love goes into making it because I know my kids are going to get all the amazing nutrients that come from the bones.”

An anti-inflammatory effect

The age-old belief in the ability of chicken soup to help with a cold dates back to Greek writings and later, the Egyptian Jewish physician and philosopher,

. He suggested the dish could help improve respiratory tract symptoms back in the 12th century.

Maimon’s theory has since been supported by research, in particular, a study published in 2000 in the scientific journal,CHEST. The evidence found that chicken soup may produce an

Researchers found that chicken soup reduced the movement of neutrophils – the most common white cell in the blood that defends the body against infection. This may reduce activity in the upper respiratory tract that can cause symptoms associated with a cold.

Immunity booster

A spokesperson for the

, Joel Feren, explains that chicken contains a number of key nutrients that can help support a healthy immune system.

“That’s iron, zinc and protein,” Feren tells SBS. “And then if you can get some vegetables into your soup, you will get more plant-based antioxidants and even some vitamin C. So chicken soup does tick a lot of nutritional boxes.”

Hydration for your body

Let’s not forget about the water content behind chicken soup. Feren reminds SBS that the dish can also act as a tool for hydration.

“Chicken soup is also hydrating,” he says. “We have to keep that in mind especially when someone’s unwell and they need to keep their fluids up.”

The carbs in the soup's noodles can help you to fill more full, which again will help sleep.

It's sleepy-time

Sleep consultant and co-founder of Sleepy Starz, Emily Duffell, says that a good bowl of warm chicken soup can put you to sleep. “Chicken is a protein that is known to be high in tryptophan levels,” explains Duffell. “Tryptophan helps produce serotonin, which promotes sleep. After eating, there is a multi-step process where the tryptophan is broken down before becoming serotonin.

“The broth can also have high tryptophan levels depending on how it’s made and what ingredients have been used.”

Duffell recommends having chicken soup a few hours before you want to sleep at night.

"Eating too late can cause the opposite effect if the soup hasn’t been digested properly," says Duffell."Adding lots of vegetables can be satisfying as well as some noodles. The carbohydrates in the soup's noodles can help you to fill more full, which again will help sleep.”

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A hearty dish after childbirth

Hakka cuisine

, the cooking style of Hakka peoples who

, features a signature chicken soup called niang jiu ji [娘酒鸡].

Sydney-based Hazel Xing, who is of Hakka descent and speaks Hakka dialect,says the name of the soup directly translates to "mother's wine chicken".

“We believe this chicken soup can [restores the health] of women who have given birth,” says Xing.

“It is made with chicken and a local brewing glutinous rice wine – which you cook together with ginger and red dates. This glutinous rice wine has been called ‘mother's wine’ [niang jiu] becauseit’s believed to be good for women/mothers.”

We believe this chicken soup can [restore the health] of women who have given birth.

Although there is no one dish that can cure all, Feren agrees that chicken soup may replenish depleted energy stores in women who have just given birth.

“Once we look at immune function and hormone production we also look at the key nutrients – iron, zinc, protein, vitamin C, [which is found in chicken soup],” says Feren.

“So there is some truth in providing chicken soup to a woman who has just gone through the ordeal that is childbirth.”

However, Feren adds, there’s no one dish or superfood ingredient that can help everyone feel good all of the time. “The Jewish penicillin, chicken soup, is certainly comforting when we are unwell but it’s no panacea.”

Are alternative remedies simply a myth or do they have a place alongside modern medicine?Medicine or Myth?follows everyday Australians as they pitch theirdiverse and sometimes divisive health remedies to a panel of medical experts, led by Dr Charlie Teo, in the hope of being selected for a real-world trial.

#MedicineorMyth is an eight-week series airing Monday nights at 8.30 pm on SBS and then all the episodes are available on

SBS On Demand.

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How a hearty bowl of chicken soup can boost your health this winter (2024)


What are the health benefits of chicken soup? ›

Research found that chicken soup with various veggies can help ease the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, including congestion, stuffy nose, cough, and sore throat. Vegetables are nutrient-dense and often packed with antioxidants to remove toxins from your system.

Why is chicken soup so healing? ›

This may be due to the numerous nutrients involved in increasing immune defenses, which dissolve in water while cooking chicken in broth, including essential amino acids, water-soluble B vitamins, minerals such as iron, selenium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, which not only from meat, but also from bones, skin ...

Does chicken soup boost the immune system? ›

One notable study showed that chicken soup diminishes the presence of white blood cells associated with inflammation in upper respiratory conditions that often plague cold sufferers, suggesting that it encourages a more effective immune response and helps symptoms clear up quicker.

Why is soup good in winter? ›

During the winter chill, it's not uncommon to drink less than you need. But while you may not be hot and sweaty, you still lose fluid through daily activities. Since soups are mostly liquid, they're a great way to stay hydrated. They give your immune system a boost, so you're less vulnerable to colds and flu.

What is chicken soup a good remedy for? ›

Chicken soup has been a popular home remedy for the common cold since at least the 12th century. Eating chicken soup while you have a cold will not do you any harm, but it will not cure your cold. Drinking warm liquids, such as soup, may give you relief from your symptoms for a short time.

Is it good to eat chicken soup everyday? ›

Known to all, chicken is considered to be a great source of protein and amino acids that are really good for the growth of muscles and other tissues. Hence, a bowl of chicken soup can be a great addition in your daily diet.

Why do doctors recommend chicken soup? ›

Compared with hot water alone, studies show chicken soup is more effective at loosening mucus. The herbs and spices sometimes used in chicken soup, such as pepper and garlic, also loosen mucus. The broth, which contains water and electrolytes, helps with rehydration.

Why does chicken soup make you feel so good? ›

As it does with turkey, the body uses tryptophan from chicken to make melatonin—which can help you rest—and serotonin, the chemical that signals your nerves and makes you feel happy and at ease. Both of these are reasons chicken soup is associated with comfort food: you literally feel a physiological sense of comfort.

Why does chicken soup make your stomach feel better? ›

Chicken soup is a staple for upset stomachs for a reason. It provides vitamins, protein and other nutrients, and it can help keep you hydrated. You don't need to use a lot of different ingredients to get the benefits either. This basic chicken soup recipe can help you feel better in no time.

Is chicken soup good for your lungs? ›

The study showed that "Grandma's soup" was able to slow the movement of neutrophils, the most common type of white blood cell, which in theory could reduce inflammation and side effects such as coughing, sneezing and stuffy nose by slowing the process by which these white blood cells gather in the lungs.

Is chicken soup a natural antibiotic? ›

Chicken contains an amino acid cysteine which has been shown to reduce and break up mucous congestion in the lungs. Garlic- Garlic is a must in a chicken soup as nature's best natural antibiotic and antibacterial agent to help your body fight infection and get better quickly.

Does chicken soup fight viruses? ›

The bottom line. Think of chicken soup as supportive care—meaning it's one thing you do to make you feel a bit better while your body fights the virus—not a cure for it. As the CHEST study notes, potential antiviral benefits vary widely between brands, says Parikh.

Is chicken soup healthy for cold? ›

Chicken is especially rich in a compound called carnosine, and it's this that studies suggest helps reduce that stuffy, congested feeling in your nose and throat. It's thought that carnosine minimises inflammation in the upper respiratory tract by stopping the migration of white blood cells.

What are the benefits of chicken soup? ›

Chicken soup has been used to treat respiratory tract disorders, asthma and facial pain among other ailments. It hastens the removal of pathogens from the nose. Apart from this, a warm bowl of hearty chicken soup during the rains, at the comfort of your couch is maybe everything that you need.

Why is soup good for you at night? ›

Keeps You Satiated: Soup can help to keep you satiated, as it is a liquid-based meal that is typically high in water and fibre content. The water and fiber in soup can help to fill you up, making you feel less hungry. Additionally, soup is often low in calories, which can also help to keep you feeling full.

Which soup is healthiest? ›

Broth-Based Soups With Veggies and Protein

When it comes to the healthiest soups you can eat, these are the gold standard, says registered dietitian Jessica Cording. Think chicken and vegetable, turkey and black bean chili, or lentil.

Is chicken soup good for your gut? ›

To Support Gut Health

And when it comes to gut nourishment, there's nothing more healing than bone broth—the base of any great chicken soup. But the secret to bone broth's incredible health benefits lies in the diversity of amino acids contained within it.

Why is chicken soup anti-inflammatory? ›

Renard et al. (2000) found that chicken soup inhibited the migration of neutrophils, thus showing anti-inflammatory activity.

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