The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

a a a a I THE SPRINGFIELD UNION. Monday, December 28, 1964 Help Wanted -Female 32 Help Wanted -Female 32 AN ant interesting position available, doing tigur? 2, general office work, exper. preterred, bet will train person with high math aptitude, permanent positron, 5 day wk. Many employee bone115. Apply to Mr.

Feinberg, Sweet Life 1. mile North of Windsor Locks. Must off R5A or Tel. RE 2-3131 or Winasor Locks, NA 3-2451 for InterV ew Appi. drug clerk, tountoin exp.

Over 21. 9 0. m. to 1.30 on p. m.

App. (Sims Drug) 353 Allen St. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Right hand executive must be pilege graduc'e, alert, single, professionatt tude. type 70 words per minute, 10 shortha.d, salary $650 to 850 depending on previous experience 'aut requiring 3 recent years in similiar DIe position, excellent corporation 'acnefits, resume required. Write Protes'canal, C284.

Union Otfice. BETTY BETS That there are secretaries who contemplate a change scene come early next month. NATIONMIDE (Sptid. oldest personnel service) hos the answer 'prads just the 405 YOU dream of On snowy Sundays. So-0 why not pop in have a chat wth Betty Leary Suite 311 145 State St.

NATICNWIDE RE 2-4104 AT PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT PLACEMENT Clerk-typist, research 65. wk Pavroil audit cierk 5.5 wk Caiculator oper. 57 wk Math typing 62 wk Typ st, clerical dut es 55 wk Personnel receptionist 65 wk Secretary, emp. relo 90 wk Accts. billing, NCR 60 wk Secretary, sales 65 wk Bookkeeper, payroll 60 wk Secretarv, traffic 61 wk Exec.

Secretary 90 wk Technician 70 wk Designer, florist 80 wk Fitter, cutter 75 wk Customer clerk 65 wk' 181 Pork W. Spfid 733-4125 135 Main Northampton 586.1007 $7 Elm Westfield 568-1307 48 Center Chicopee 592-7882 10 Pleasant E. Longmeadow 525-6841 Parking all PEP offices SEASONS GREETINGS A DEPENDABLE experienced LPN or practicol nurse for private duty. LI 3-3197. A lady to help mother with house 8 -child.

$40 wk. plus rm. board, Call ARE YOU looking for job in a with top pay free trainting offers and no investment. Sarah Coventry all these plus many exciting prizes and bonuses. For interview and appointment call 534-1318 after p.

01. ABC EMPLOY, 258 WORTHINGTON wa, tresses "AN NCR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BOOKKEEPER And general office assistant. Must be good Applv at office Lou min Lid. 1484 Main St. AN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK NCR Operator preferred, but will teoch 5 day week, excellent working conditions Write Box C239 Union Office.

CIk; Rec pay thru T.B. 5c-kog Mach Oper Exp. Dwtn $55-00: C7k-Typist: PT. hrs daily $35 Clk-typist: A-1 Fee part pd To $70 Calculations Clk: HS-Coll To $100 File Clerk: rec HS Dwin S54 Girl Fri: A-1 skills Car nec Gen Office; ability type To $65 eno: gd typist, light dict $65 Off Serives Super: Fee port pd $80-901 Oper: relief swtchbd S60-65 VALLEY PLACEMENT SERVICE 95 State St. EST 1950 9-1362 PERSONNEL SERVICE SECRETARY front office Personable.

gd. sec. skills req. All $80 GENERAL OFFICE 1-girl off. Typing, occts.

pay lots of tel. pleasant personality. Assume responsibility. $60 TYPIST plus other off. duties, some detail wk.

$60-65 CLERK TYPIST gd. typ. speed for adv. dept. $60-70 BARKER PERSONNEL SERVICE Johnson's Bookstore Bldg.

RE 7-2667' BOOKKEEPER Exp. thru trial bal. Gd. typist. $70.

Another Holyoke area TYPIST Exp. typist with fig. verify. $65-70. ASS'T BOOKKEEPER Must have in piece work.

Sal open. CLERK Gd fig. bckgrnd. a typist. $60-65.

CLERK- TYPIST Beginning level, accurate. $50-55. FIGURE CLERK Posting, verifying. No 1yp. $50-52.

STENO Some dictation, clerical figs. $60. Another, small off $65. SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST off. Gd., able to spell. Some mach. simple bkkpg. 1 girl off. CLERK Acct'g.

ledger work, $60. thru trial bal. $70. HOWARD MILES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 18 Vernon St. 2d fir.

732-4164 COUNTERGIRL wanted. Experience Apply, Mr. Keough, Waldorf Systen, 123 Chestnut St. CLERK- TYPIST for factory office, good figures. Paid holidays.

Paid group Boxmakers, Westfield 'industries Park, Westfield, Mass. CLERK For standards dept. Experienced on figure work and office equipment. Many Arms, Westfield. An equal opportunity benefits.

we Apply personnel dept. Savage employer. COMPTOMETER operator for account. ring service department. Some typing Excellent working conditions.

Many employee benetit*, 5 day week ,8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Apply to Mr.

Sweet Life Foods Company mile north of Windsor Locks, just off route 5A or telephone 2-3131 or Windsor Locks NA 3-2451 for interview appointment. CLERK Enjoy good salary interesting work In small congenial office. Recent school graduate preferred, typing skill required. For interview phone manager at EXPERIENCED SNACK BAR HELP Part-time day night shifts. Call 739-8570.

EXPERIENCED secretary, some experience. Good income fringe benefits. Coll ST 2-2327 for interview. EXPERIENCED WOMEN, either full or part-time, for office work. Must be accurate with figures.

Apply Petluck's, 253 Exchange Chicopee. EXPERIENCED counter waitress. Apply 2 to 4 p. m. California Restaurant, 165 Main Spfld.

FULL OR PART TIME sales work. Regular weekly pay checks and still keep your Important job as wife and mother. Any age over 18. No investment, collections or deliveries. 536-0515.

GIRL OR WOMAN TO ASSIST MGR. $575 MONTHLY SALARY in brand identification work. Manager! branch of worldwide corporation. This is Girl over 18 assist manager in local trining. Must be ncatly dressed and enjoy meeting talking with people.

No experience or car necessary. For further information call Mr. Fox 736-3897 between 9 a. m. 1 p.

m. $575 MONTHLY SALARY To those accepted after initial 3 day Indoctrination period. GENERAL secretary in long established real estate office. Full or Give background Box C281, Union Office. GIRL wanted for checkout and general storework.

Whalen Drug, Spfld. Plaza. GIRLS and women needed for trimming dept. Apply 8-12 noon. Holidays, vacation, retirement other benchts.

La Triguc Brassicre, State Ludlow. HAIRDRESSER with full ticense and some following. Five day week with gued income arrangement. Call RE 4-3890 anytime for information. INSURANCE SECRETARY for a one girl office in suburban experienced in fire and auto, line, full responsib'lity, no shorthand, cxcel.

cond. Call 733.4541. JANUARY OPPORTUNITY- -Part or full time. Salary whichever 788-8271. preferred.

Eve "Rea Jewels, Inc. Tel. Male Help--Salary KEY PUNCH OPERATOR for Remington Rand equipment. Permanent position, da. wk.

State salary desired. Reply Box C286 Union Office. L. P. N.

wanted 11 to 7 shift. Call 781-0831 for interview. LUNCHEONETTE Manager Experienced Center Opportunity 134 to lease it right man Drug. Statc T'vitic, Ct. NEED EXTRA INCOME? Work days, evenings, set your own hours come goal.

Call Mr. Louis, 567-3925, 737-3607. NURSING SUPERVISORS Excellent opportunities open for quali. registered nurses. Progressive perience preparation desirable.

Salares open commensurate with education and experience. Liberal fringe benefits. Apply: Director of Nursing WESSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 140 High St. Springfield, Mass. inq, p.

m. Call RE 6-2582 bet. 9-2 p. 07. OVER 21, FOUNTAIN EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, 9 TO 5 DAILY.

BLISS PHARMACY, 798 WILLIAMS LONGMEADOW. LO 7-3359. PART TIME wa tress. Days and nights also combination day and night. Howard Johnson's.

1515 Northampton Hol-1 yoke. SOCIAL WORKER full or part time for rehobilitation program Western Mass. area. Call Worcester 757-2756. SHARP Secretary Single, top skills in present experience and broins to qualify In our office and management training programs as assistant 10 top level management responsibilities This applicant will most probably be an ambitious coilege graduate present.

ly employed in a limited advancement or blind allcy position or both VOU are a single mature applicant seurching for a permanent anchor position of security as well as opportunity offering open salary to start, liberal poration employment, fringe benefits with retirement program; if In addi. Seif starter capable of working a without tion to these qualitications you ore close supervision, please submit your resume for conf: dental review prior personal review to Union Box 284. SALES LADY PART -TIME Ready-to-near apparel, exp. preferred. Many benefits offered.

ROBERT HALL CLOTHES, 1000 State St. STENOGRAPHER, part-time. Third Not'l Bank Bldg. 5 day week. Write to Box C283, Union Office.

STENOGRAPHER SECRETARY, downtown insurance office. 5 day week. Write to Box C232, Union Office. WOMAN TO LIVE IN with small tamily in suburbs in exchange for room and board and small salary. Must have A-1 references.

Wilbraham, LY 6-6001. WAITRESSES for Fridays, Saturdays Sundays for full part time. Apply Frankie's Pizzerino, 845 Burbank Suffield. Male Help -Salary 33 SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS BOX NUMBERS FOR YOUR INFORMATION THE SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS will not disclose the identity of any classified advertiser using box number. Readers answering blind box ads who desire 13 protect their identity con follow this procedure: Enclose your: reply to the box number in an envelope addressed to the Classified Manager, SPRINGFIELD NEWSPAPERS together, with a memo listing the companies you do NOT want to see your letter.

Your letter will be destroyed if the advertiser is one you've mentioned. If not it will be forworded in the usual manner. A drug clerk, fountain exp. Over 21.1 6 p. m.

p. m. 353 Allen St. ABDOW'S BIG BOY Has opening for cook trainee. No exper.

necessary. Excellent opportunity for recent high school graduate or onyone who is looking for 'a career with progressive company that offers advance ment. Learn the restaurant business and join one of New Englands fastest growing restaurant chains. Good pay, paid vacations and other benefits. Apply at Abdows Big Boy 1616.

Memorial Drive, view. ATTENTION Experienced tractor troller drivers to teach truck driving for large national truck driving school. Can instruct either full or part time. Top earnings. Permanent job.

For details call: ST 8-7993 between 9 11 C. m. ABC EMPLOYL, 258 WORTHINGTON COOKS, DISHWASHERS ADVERTISING Assistant youna, aggressive, background in advertising and sales promotion, ability to handle people and a variety of detail. Ground floor opportunity with growing company. Complete resume salary requirements to Box 2541, Union Office.

ADMINISTRATIVE ASST'T SOME COL' LEGE WITH knowledge of job costs and production procedures. DYNAMIC PERSONNEL SYSTEM 1431 Main Street ST 1-0100 AN OPPORTUNITY 2nd Shift Personnel Jig Bore Operator Class A Diemakers Excellent Wages Excellent Benefits Parking Facilities I APPLY ACME CHAIN CORPORATION 821 Main Street, Holyoke, Mass. An Equal Opportunity Employer ATTRACTIVE POSITIONS ALL AREAS OFFICE SALES TECHNICAL EXEC. SEE RAY TURGEON NATIONWIDE AGENCY 27th YEAR 145 State St. RE 2-4104 Betty Leary, Manager ASSISTANT MANAGER For McDonald's 15c.

Speedy Homburger System located Rte. 5, Enfield, opening about Feb 1. Good pay, excellent opportunity for advancement. We will train 0 young aggressive responsible family man willing to work long hours, evenings and weekends. Send replies to Box 2540 Union Office.

ACCOUNTANTS experienced in individual income tax returns. Salary bonus. Springficid area. Block 513 Belmont Avc. 732 9435 or call collect Worcester 791-5579.

A SALESMAN for wholesale sporting goods concern. Excellent opportunity. Experience required. Company paid life insurance. Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Apply in person Camfour Westfield Industrial Park. Phone 568-8941. AVAILABLE AT THE H. E. DICKERMAN MFG.

CO. 'Investigate job opportunity In a well es tablished company. EXPERIENCED TOOL DIE MAKERS DIE MAINTENANCE MEN MACHINIST TURRET LATHE OPERATOR SURFACE GRINDER OPERATOR Interviews between 8 to 5 at the H. E. DICKERMAN MFG.


screw machine from blueprints. 3-5 yrs. exper. nec. steady employment, insurance, vacation, paid holidays.

APPLY VAMCO INC. 221 Western Ave. West Spfld. RE 9-9665 AT ONCE man to cican repair fur. naces.

Perm. pos. Top pav. Kalamazoo Furnace 120 Bosworth West! Spild. RE 3-6669.

BARBER WANTED, good pay. Call JEfferson 4-3072. BAKERS BAKERS HELPERS Full time, steady work. Night shift. experience necessary.

Apply in person iberty Bakeries, 8 Kendell near Liberty and Carew. BORING MILL OPERATORS for KOLLMORGEN CORP. Men with the ability to set up and rote working from complicated prints ill qualify for: 1-COMPANY PAID retirement plan. 2-101: PAID holidays. 3-BLUE CROSS--Master medical plan.

4-10 PERCENT SHIFT ET premium. 5-COMPANY PAID I disability Insurance. Apply: 9 a. p. m.

Personnel Dept. KOLLMORGEN. Rte. CORP. 5 Northampton, Mass.

An Equal Opportunity Employer Grinder Operator -Must be experienced. 50 hr. week. Good pay all fringe benefits. STACY MACHINE CO.

INC. 270 Moin Agawam An equal opportunity employer 2d shift opening for 0 mon who can set up operate Gridley BAKERY SHIPPER Driver. Permanent for reliable man. ref. Apply in person, Magazina's Bakery, 1132 Dwight St.

CLASS A AND Die Makers wanted. Apply Hemco Tool Die, 7 South Maple Westficld. CAR WASHERS part time or full time. Exp. not required.

T'ville RI 5-0811. COLLECTOR age 21 or over, aggressive, part-time. Must have car. arv. Call A to 5.30 p.

m. for app. RE 6-1827. CASUALTY adjuster experienced in all lines. Send resume to Box C305 Union Office.

COMPOSITOR. Apply Gazette Printing 79 Pleasant Northampton. Clerk for standards dept. 'Experienced on figure work and office equipment. Many benefits Apply personel dept.

Savage Arms, Westfield. An equal opportunity employee. EXPERIENCED truck mechonic. Top wages. group Insurance, other benefits.

Apply at once to Mack Truck Sales 2594 Main Mass. ELECTRICIAN, licensed man, steady work. RE 2-5411. Furn. Dept.

manager for la. warehouse store. Salary commensurate with ability. Send resume or personal Interview between 11 a. m.

p. m. only. See Mr. Gallow, Railroad Salvage of Rt.

5, East Windsor, I Conn. Good Jobs for Skilled Men In EXPERIMENTAL and OTHER RPECISION WORK openings for PARTS INSPECTORS AIRCRAFT ENGINE MECHANICS SHEET METAL MECHANICS MACHINE OPERATORS TCOL MAKERS EXPERIMENTAL MACHINISTS Opportunities also for HIGH OR TRADE SCHOOL GRADUATES for MACHINING or SHEET METAL TRAINING Visit the Employment Office Open for convenience through, Thursday 8 a. m. will be Closed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 6 p. p.

m. Jan. 1 2 PRATT WHITNEY AIRCRAFT Division of United Aircraft Corporation 400 Main Street East Hartford 8, Connecticut an equal opportunity employer Male Help--Salary EXPERIENCED COUNTER steam toble man. Apply in person. State Diner, 1217 State St.

Interview between 2-4 p. m. EXPER. MAN to install furnaces, boilers oil burners. No night work.

Highest pay scale. Hourly rate or salary. Steady year round. Kala nozoo Furnace 120 Bosworth W. Sptld.


PEN LINCOLN MERCURY, 1566 STATE ST. SPFLD. EXPERIENCED man to spray wood steel. Office Furn. Apply at 241 Worthington St.

FIRST CLASS MACHINIST, gauge maker or too! maker. FIRST CLASS MACHINE ASSEMBLER. Apply at Vedovelli, 15 Baldwin East Longmeadow. FOREMAN HI volume production exp. to 130 wk.

MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE; well groomed w-good mech. bkgrd. exp. in automatic prod. equip.

to 130 wk. PLASTIC PRODUCTION MEN must have exp. in plastic production or plastic ELECTRONICS to 130 wk. TECH. some solid state exp.

to 120 wk. ELEC. MOTOR REPAIRMAN should be exp. in all phases of elec. motor repair.

to 120 wk. LAB TECH. should have good Chem bkord. to 80 wk. DYNAMIC PERSONNEL SYSTEM 1431 Main Street ST 1-0100 FIRST CLASS MOLDMAKERS TOOLMAKERS Day Night Shift OSLEY WHITNEY, INC.

Southampton Westfield IBM CUSTOMER ENGINEER Opportunity to work in an interesting electronic field, as an IBM Customer engineer, maintaining data processing machines. Full pay living expenses while training In a company school, qualifications formal electronics training from civilian or military sc school required. Please send your resume to. MR. K.

J. MICHALIK IBM CORP. P. O. Box 441 Mass.

01101 IBM 1s an equal opportunity employer JOB PRESSMAN CHANDLER PRICE or similor type automatic or hand teed, steady work, good working conditions. Union wage scale. Holidays Paid group insurance. BOXMAKERS INC. Westfield I Industrial Park Westfield, Mass JANITORS part time for office cleaning morning evening hours available.

Must be exp; have car. American Window Cleaning Co. 50 Howard RE 3-2146 LICENSED ELECTRICIAN wanted, steady employment. RE 2-5411. MANAGER to take complete charge of our service dept.

Working knowledge of heating, air conditioning, electrical and plumbing trades iS desired not essential. The ability to administrate and to handle personnel is a must. Salary open. All replies strictly confidential. Send complete resume to Union Office Box 2542.

METALLURGIST -To work on diversified research development assignments related to ferrous non-ferrous materials. Highly regarded Connecticut manufacturer. Must have degree in metallurgy. Ferrous metallurgy experience preferred. Starting salary 8-10 K.

No fee. Contact Dr. John B. Ahrens, Ahrens Associates, 18 Asylum Hartford, Conn. 247-3241.

MARRIED MAN wanted for dairy farm. GOLDSTEIN GURWITZ INC. Route 32, Ware, Mass. 967-6255 Between 8 a. 5 p.


Fringe benefits. Apply 117 Carew after 2 p. m. MASSACHUSETTS homes. Licensed T'ville, Electricion Conn.

to RI 9-0575. MANAGER for Hardware Dept. In lg. warehouse store. Salary commensurate with ability.

Send resume or personal Interview, between 11 a. m. 4 p. m. only.

See Mr. Gallow, Railroad Salvage of Rt. 5, East Windsor, Conn. MAN TO ASSIST MANAGER $57 MONTHLY SALARY Mon over 18 to assist manager In local branch of worldwide corporation. This 1s in brand identification work.

Manager trolning. Must be neatly dressed and enjoy meeting talking with people, No experience or car necessary. ory 736-3897 be between 9 a. m. 1 p.

For further Information call Miss $575 MONTHLY SALARY To those accepted ofter initiol 3 day Indocrination period. N. E. P. FIREMAN- No Lic.

Nec. $115 PROJECT ENGR -Local 140 CHEMIST- -Recent Grad 120 PHYSICIST- B. S. degree 1201 CREDIT Exp. 120 DRAFTSMAN -Design 130 FOREMAN -Assembly 115: TIME STUDY Degree' 120 LAB TECH--H.

S. Chem. 80 MGT. 80 PARTS MAN -Auto. Exp.

85 MECHANIC-Own tools 90 GEN'L LABOR -Factory Exp. 80 DRIVER- 60 Neat 54 New England Placement 1490 Main NEED 2 mechanically Inclined men for sales and service. Cor on advantage. Electrolux 605 State Spfld. OIL BURNER SERVICEMAN, experienced.

All year round work. F. L. Rob. erts 229 Albany Spfld.

PRINTING- opening available for rubber plate maker, or man with related experience. Apply in person 9 a. m. The Massachusetts Plastics West Ludlow, Mass. PERSONNEL TRAINEE We are seeking ambitious people for rewarding positions job applicants employers.

We are a new of a nationwide personnel firm. This position requires an interview in Hartford, but for Spfld. employment. day attractive office, 2 yrs. of college or equivalent.

Excellent income with rapid advancement. Apply International Personnel Service, 99 Pratt Suite 408, Hartford, Conn. 737-7331. SALESMAN for home furnishings includina: furniture, rugs appliances. Apply by letter, with resume of experience, References to Box C302, Union Office.


Good opportunity. Tel. 788-7179 or Shrewsbury, VI 2-8757, collect. full or part time, hourly rate, company SEMI-RETIRED building tradesman. n.

Work paid benefits. ST 1-2251 any 5-6 p.m. SALESMAN for national company. Opportunity for advancement. No travel.

Education College or equivalent. Starting salary $500 to $650 per mon Box C304, Union Office. TOY Dept. manager for lg. Warehouse Store.

Salary commensurate with obility. Send resume or personal interview, between 11 a. m. 4 p. m.

only. See Mr. Gallow, Railroad Salvage of 5, East Windsor, Conn. THOROUGHLY experienced manager for Paint Dept. in lg.

warehouse store. Sal. ory commensurate with ability. Send resume or personal interview only, no phone calls. Interviewing between 11 a.

m. 4 p. m. only. See Mr.

Gallow, Railroad Salvage of Rt. 5, East Windsor, Conn. Male Help, Salesmen 33A SALES TRAINEES SALARY AND COMMISSION. TRAIN. ING SCHOOL CAR NECESSARY.


28TH IN HARTFORD 246-2509. Male Help Salesmen 33A MAN over 40. Handle sales territory surrounding Springfield. Worth up to $16,500 in a year plus bonus. Write J.

H. Brooks, Vice Texas Retinery Corp. Box 711, Fort Worth 1, Texas. SELL Variety Homes in your area full time or part-time and earn good missions. Variety Homes, Connecticut's oldest and largest builders of Custom-: Engineered homes, offers one of America' best home values.

Sales training and sales materials furnished. For an appointment call or write Paul Anton, Vice President, Variety Homes, 2786 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, Conn. 666-4695. SALESMAN TERRITORY OPEN Large noticnal manufacturer of electri-: cal products sold direct to industrial, commercial, institutional and govern-! mental cusiomers will select a salesman for 1h3 Springfield area to assume ent accounts and develop new ones in an territory on a repeat order basis. Does not require technical background.

Man selected will be fully trained. No travel, no night or weekend work. Earnings based on salary and commissions. Expense allowance and fringe benefits also. After 6 months, performance is evaluated for advancement.

For appt. phone Mr. Delisle Mon. 9 a. p.

LY 2-7751. SALES SERVICE -National company looking tor man who wants to work. Excellent oppor. for advancement. Salory comm.

Company car provided. To start Jan. 1st. Apply, The Singer 1348 Main St. Help Male or Female 34 CREDIT MANAGER Excellent opportunity for an experienced Credit and Collection MAN OR WOMAN To manage Credit Office of leading women's and chit.

dren's apparel chain store. Apply In Person Mr. M. Saunders LERNER SHOPS 1423 Main St. Springfield, Mass.

COOK -HOUSEKEEPER, Al live In; small pvt. family, suburbs. Write Box 2539 Union Office. EXPANDING MLS Realtor has openings for new or experienced real estate, sales peopie. Floor time available.

Mr. Kennedy 734-7644 for appointment. A Situations Wanted Female 36 LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE AVAILABLE. CALL MRS. COSTELLO RE 4-6428.

TYPING simple bookkeeping done at home. RE 6-6784. WOMEN WILL take care of sick or invalid person. Con live In or out. Excellent references.

RE 6-4931. Situations Wanted Male 37 RE 2-5663 or RE 3-0471. BOOKKEEPER, A off. mor. exper.

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT OR SALES Ambitious, Aggressive Married Mon seeking position with growing company in Bus. Mgmt. or Sales. Seven years exp. RE 2-0016.

FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 A ER'S NEAT APARTMENT WAYSIDE INN, SMART located OWN. choicely 8 acres at cross roads in Eastern Berkshires. Details by appointment. H. E.

CRAFT ASSOCIATES, REALTORS, RE 2-4757 or ST 3-5182. ALL AT MONSKO'S Furniture store, very good location. Lge. floor area. 2 trucks.

Sale Includes real estate. Package stores 3 to choose from. Cates, all good money makers. Neighborhood grocery. Has 6 rm.

living quarters. Ideal for live-wire family. Restaurant on main road. Full liquor. Nice bar lounge.

Lge. dining Plenty of private porking. Also many others. 692 High Holyoke 534-5940 533-5686 A LONG ESTABLISHED RETAIL BAKERY, over $20,000 yearly income, comp'ete efficient equipment, modern salesroom, offered with real estate, including 2 rental apartments for $35,000. Amply financed.

H. E. CRAFT ASSOCIATES RE 2-4757 ST 3-5182 AA-1 GROCERY MKT. doing $100,000 year. Specializing in choice meats.

Indep. Security for fom. A VARIETY STORE w-3 rm. Apt. Con eorn $130 wk.

ST 8-7601, RE 4-5661. BEAUTY Salon, Park sect. Well estab. Good going business. Must sell because of Ill health Immediately.

Sacrifice. RE 7-9696. BEAUTY SHOP FOR sale In heart of Chicopee. 593-6048 after 3. COIN-A-MATIC WEBEN CAR WASH 25 cents 5 minutes Invest now In the new self-service car wash industry.

-INSTALL Distributed by MAC-GRAY CO. INC. 60 Albany St. Cambridge, Mass. UN 4-9760 Name Address Phone number IDEAL location for beauty parlor in Forest Park Section.

Available Jan. 1 for lease or rent. Call RE 2-6853. Money to Loan 40 AL SAVOY Spfid. Loan 1490 Main.

RE 3-9278 for 2d mortgage, automobile and furniture loans. MORTGAGE loans where banks stop we begin. Short term 1st mtgs. also 2ds. Factron, inc.

737-1166. INSTRUCTION Correspondence Courses 42 International Correspondence Schools For Into. cata. JE 2-9576. C.

J. Hux Instruction 43 ANDOVER INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS SYSTEMS SECRETARIAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONS Learn Tomorrow's Skills For Tomorrow's Jobs At 1. I. B. information call write or visit 145 State Street ANDOVER INSTITUTE 781-2141: Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 A-1 ACCORDION, piano organ lessons.

Miss Fronc. LI 3-3972. Fuel and Feed 56 FIREPLACE Presto Logs 99c. per bog. Lynch Lumber 739-4781.

GOOD quality hay dellvered, McLaughlin Farms, Southwick 9-6164. HORSE you need good hay, RE 2-3965. straw, grain, call Malone's Form Garden Center, 338 Silver Agawam. Good Things to Eat 57 APPLES, cider, farm prices. R.

H. Sanford, City View Orchards, Westfield, 562-6819. Closed Mondays. APPLES, sweet cider, honey, jams jellies. Wyben Orchards, Westfield.

CARRY WHOLESALE HAMBURG 60 lb. boxes $.34 lb. 10 lh. bags 45 lb. PATTIES 2-3-4 10 lb.

boxes $.45 lb. U. S. INSPECTED MEAT SPRINGFIELD BEEF CO. 202 Lyman Mass.

Household Goods 59 A good 30'' gas stove $20. RE 9-2687 A 30'1 ELEC. STOVE, G. excellent cond. 3 yrs.

old, $100. 583-3794. A GOOD 30" GAS STOVE $20. RE 9-2687 ANNUAL Marathon Sale at Holland TV. Open all night until New Years Eve.

Used Zenith, RCA, Motorola all reduced from $89 to one low price $55. All quaranteed. HOLLAND TV, 141 Boston ST 2-0771 A qd. Majestic gas gos stove, Norge auto. wosher, Frigidaire 2 dr.

13 CU. ft. ret. 593-6839. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AUTOMATIC WASHERS? CALL 593-6839.

APT. SIZE ELEC. RANGES $25 SURPLUS SALES 739 Liberty St. A GOOD Frigidaire 11 cub. ft.

top freezer. Whirlpool Auto. Glenwood gas stove yr. old 593-6839. ALL hand-crafted fine Early American pine furn.

for entire home. Hutch, dry Sink, Harvest table: bedrm. set, etc. All on dispay, 739-5444. ACT NOW! COMPLETE RMS.



A GD. FLORENCE GAS OIL stove. General Electric auto. washer. WestInghouse elec.

dryer 593-6839. A BARGAIN-9 12 $3.99 Wal. bedrm. set, $49. Kit set $25 Mpl.

beds, $14. Metropolitan, 1776 Main RE. 2-4174 BEDRM. Set, limed oak, $75; Elec. lawnmower $35; chaise lounge, $10; alum.

fold-a-way bed, $20; oak work bench, $25; porch rocking chair, Lincoln rocking chair, $15; Mahog. gate leg 1g- ble, $30; mahog. chairs, $8 ea. Call 3-6764. BETTER "USED largest sortment priced to sell.

Daniels Furniture 323 Dwight St. ST 8-9894. BARGAINS garore af Regal Discount center. Save more on brand new appliances, TV's, Stero's ORED TV. Also used washers, TV's at clearance prizes.

870 State St. Open Mon. Thurs. to 9 D. m.

A REPOSSESSED sewing machine 1963, 9x12 blue FIRE sculptured SALE CARPETS automatic zig zag. No attachments all wool Wilton, needed. Want responsible party to orig. 12x12 $119, all now $59. sume lost 6 payments of $8.10 monthly.

wool gold tweed $70. RE 3-1002. 12x18 all wool beige tweed orig. now $129. B.P.S.

PITTSBURGH, Dutch Boy and 12x14.6 all wool heavy beige tweed, other major brand paint, oll colors, orig. $225, now $135. at CUCKOO 400 DAY CLOCKS, IM- D. K. Omartian 226 Worthington erty St.

Open Fri. night 'til 9. now $149. $2.99 per gal. Surplus Sales, 739 Lib- 12x18 olive green nylon twist, orig.


WANTS ACTION GOVERNMENT surplus clothing, flight 3 rooms of quality furniture and appli. liners, flight lockets, coveralls, shirts, onces. cludes Payments of only $2 wk. khakis, hats, gloves. Thermo under.

bedrm set, livingroom 5 set, 3 tables, lamps, wear, etc. Surplus Soles, 739 Liberty leum, pc. dinette set, 9x12 St. refrigerator, modern stove. daily 9 to 9 Sat.


RE 9-0755. $5 Down $3 per week POOL TABLE excel. cond. Call Choice of Modern or Colonial: 5.30 RE 3-5993. Complete Living Room, tables POOL tables, round style, reg.

slate, lamps. Bedroom with mattress, tennis table, poker table, cues $2. Re- spring and lamps. 5 pc. Dinette Set.

pairs supplies at discount, we buy Pieces In all. Free Delivery. See comtrade. Credit or cash. RE 4-0172.

plete display at Pioneer Furniture. POOL 7 ft. $75, 9 125 Liberty St. cor. Chestnut St.

$150, new, RE 4-8172. M. Free parking In our own lot. RE TABLE, $60, 8 ft. equipped.

6-3694 ROTOR ANTENNA, $69.95. Std. on- MUST SELL two 9 12 wool beige rugs $29.95. Inst. Rent a new w.

rm. 30 pads. Bryant Like new. Also oak dining TV. tenna.

A.B.Z. SALES SERV. 788-7773. St. btween 6-9 eves.

SEE THE NEW SUN BEAM Just Above OKUN'S The BAsem*nT BARGAINS Electric snow blower on display, 1786 MAIN Arch STREET. At The Red Canopy "Save your Instant starting. RE 9-5605 250 shovelsfull per minute. Com- Mhg. desk $5, wardrobe Mhg.

buffet $10, Dressers $5, Hotel plete Moves with headlight and 100 ft. Marine $20, Potty chair $3, 3 wire cable. Weight 49 Ibs. Only $10 Medicine cabinet 40 size Wet proof crib mattress 20 down GIMBEL delivers. CO.

112 Boston RE chair $5. Kitchen sets $2, Maple arm Rd. 4-7379 nator Refr. $25, Maple 3-pc. sofa bed set KelviSKATES (ICE) NEW AND USED $50, Metal beds $5, Apt.

size gas range TRADE-INS, LOWEST PRICES. VIC- $20, G. E. 30' Elect. range $99, G.

TOR'S SKATE CENTER, 2477 MAIN. Two speed washer, $99. TYPEWRITERS $19.95 up. Spec. SINGER SEWING MACHINE, bought last cleaned, oiled new ribbon, $3.95.

Re- year. Asking $42 $1.50 weekly. pairs reas. Enterprise 224 RE 3-1002. Dickinson St.

TRADED in 9x20 Karastan carpet, perfect cond. $495. D. K. Omartian VINYL ASBESTOS 45 FT.

CT. $7.60. 226 Worthington St. HOAR GOOLD, 855 MAIN, RE 7-0369 WINDOW SHADES, cloth $1.39 on your UNCLAIMED LAYAWAY rollers, 1st qual. up to PIONEER Shade Screen 441 Armory St.

of 3 brand new rooms 39 pcs. of furniture -TALKIES Customer including lost choice of stove, refriq. or TV. Talk up to 5 miles or more, 9 tran- only $12 0 month deposit a you sistor Professional walkie-talkies, ear No payments 'til March phone, carying straps, leather case bat- No YOU Money GET: Down value included, fully each. Come guaranteed.

A free! living 12 pc bedroom teries $50 only $25 in tor kitchen set includes dishes set, demonstration. Balance only $282. Tel JE 2-1463. silver. HALLMARK HOUSE FURNITURE DISCOUNT CENTER 322 1876 Main (No.

End) Thurs. till 9 Main, Holyoke. Daily 9-9, Sat. 9. WALLPAPER SALE -Choice of 54, big VACUUM CLEANERS polishers, all 1965 books, imported domestic.

Dis- makes, models. $9.95 count 50 percent price list. LaPolice pairing parts for all Up, makes. Expert The reWallpaper, 314 Belmont Ave. RE 6-2811, Gimbel 112 Boston Rd 734-7379.

Open Thursday till 9. Cameras Equipment 51A Jewels and Watches 60 son for selling -need money. $75.00 Call COMPLETE Polaroid No. 150 outfit. Rea- gold.

RICHARDS, 134 A State St. diamonds, old BEST PRICES PAID for 733-2011 anytime, LOAN OR CASH -Diamond, watches, GRAFLARGER back, new. Inquire jewelry. Spfld. 1618 Jewelry Main St Co.

Est. 1912. LY 4-9298. Bowles KEYSTONE movie camera 8mm, magazine lood. RE 9-6750.

Machinery and Tools 61 Business Equipment 52 FRINK, reversable plow. Rom pump. LY 2-5000. A electric REAL cash BUY register with 2 OVER Term, 1500 Rentals, machine Purchase tools in Pion. stock.

McCaskey credit file drawers. Excel. cond. new HOLYOKE Warehouse Machy. Co.

$945. WIll sell for $450. RE 6-6623. Park Holyole JE 2-0209 MACHINERY FOR SALE ALL NEW STEEL snelving 6' 8" 36" SPRINGFIELD AUCTION CO. W.

12'1 deep, 5 shelves cop por shelf, 2656 Main Spfid. 736-1818 500 Ibs. $12.50 del. Some as obove SHOPSMITH attachments, good conexcept 18 deep $14.50 rich gray dition. Easthampton, 527-9096.

finish. Also Also in stock other heights TRACTOR loader 2 yd. snow bucket, new widths. used conveyor and shop. tires, chains cab.

A-1 cond. 527-2221 ST 5-5627. or 527-2695. Box, steam table. RE 2-7129.

cond. $950. Steam Jenny, needs repoir. NATIONAL cash registers (2), dry Colo WORTHINGTON Compressor 105. Good RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT $75.

RE 7-9610, LA 5-6115. Available complete line equipment: China, glass, silverware. Color and plansupplies, Always used items of low prices. Farm Machinery 61A ning service too. KITTREDGE STORES FIXTURES GRAVELY garden tractor 5.

H. P. with 2155 COLUMBUS AVE. 788-6107 chains elec. starter, battery, 4 f1.

snowplow, roto-tiller, cultivator. All New Nelco 35 Easy Terms UNIVERSAL SEWING MACHINES 988 State St. ARC WELDED T-shaped clothes poles $11.95. Call LYceum 4-6928. Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 ADORABLE pedigreed collies for sale.

$15. 3 mos. ST 8-8054. AKC Reg. Toy Miniature Poodles.

Reas. Southwick JO 9-6648. AKC Collie Puppies; AKC Schnauzer Puppies. York K'I, Shelburne, Mass. MA 5-6195.

AKC Toy Min. Poodle pups. Alsopoodle clipping. RE 4-8576. ADORABLE AKC Christmas Poodle Puppies, all sizes.

Weekly payments. No payment till ofter Christmas. JE 3-3700; Amherst, AL 3-3326. BAY Dachshund LEE KENNELS: puppies. Stud Beautiful Service Min.

for! Min. Dachshunds, Min. Schnauzers, Pomeranians and Poodles. Rte. 6, Colum-: bia, Conn.

203-228-3221. CHICHUAHUAS-BIUP Champion at stud. His pups for sale. Patricia Howard tore, Northampton 584-4744. DOBERMAN PINCHER PUPS JO 6-3945 GOLDEN RETRIEVER puppies AKC champion blood lines.

Call after 6 or weekends. Bolton, 643-4943. MYNAH bird, yrs. old, very good talker, picks up fast, $80. JO 6-3707.

Call LA 5-7768 SIAMESE KITTENS 8 weeks old THOROUGHBRED golden retriever, A reg. male female born Dec. 13, avail. Jan. 26, LO 7-7825.

MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 ALL LIONEL electric trains cars from $11.95. HO-027-0 gauge. Also grassmat, trees, tunnels, buildings, etc.i 0. F. Springer, 339 Bay City.

Hours, daily 9 to 9 and 9 to 5, RE 2-9726. Layaway plan. A-1 FURNACES boilers used like new oil, gas or coal. Gas or oil burners and blowers. Parts repairs and cleanIng.

Kalamazoo Furnaces Boiler 120 Bosworth West Spfid. RE 3-66691 day or night. ALUMINUM WINDOWS 3 TRACK $10.90 DOORS COMPLETE 23.90 AWNINGS CANOPIES price 59 TAYLOR ST. ST 8-0943 ANNUAL Marathon Sale at Holland TV, Personal Port. (1) new, $49, 19" Port.

TV (5) $98. Motorola Stereo AMFM 50'' Console $98. Easy Washer (Demo) $99. Coffee Donuts. Open 72 hours until all stock is moved! HOLLAND TV 141 Boston ST 2-0771 A-1 HARD SLABS $17, cord.

Soft slabs $13, stove, furnace. RE 2-4340. A FINE assortment of rebuilt snow-blowers guaranteed, also riding tractors, new Bob- Cat Ariens snow blowers on display. Allen Lawnmower 20 River W. Spfid.

RE 3-7837 anytime. Open nights till 9, Sat. till 6. AUTO. HYDRA PUMP for plow.

Call Auto. Ins. Dept. Economy Insurance Agency, 1740 Main Spfid. RE 6-6737.

A CHRISTMAS SALE Singer, (used 1 mo.) Singer, zig zag 69 New Nelco, zig zag Boats and Accessories 53 EVINRUDE motors Starcraft boats. LAURENCE KING 739-9257 SHOP AT LEISURE Wonderful display of boats. motors, trallers marine accessories. Lambert's Beach, Hampton Ponds, Route 202, Westfield. Open every day 9-9.

SAILFISH, SUNFISH CATFISH PRESTON 472 MAIN RE 7-2483 Building Materials 54 BRICK, 1-beam steel windows Park Wrecking Co. LY 4-6928. CLEAN bricks for sale, 6000 to a load. 733-5713. Fuel and Feed 56 A-1 FUEL discount price.

prompt delivery plus Green St- mps. ST 3-8987. RE dry 2 3906. dwocd for fireplace $22 DRY fireplace wood, mixed stabs. Cash carry or we deliver.

LY 3-6211. FIREPLACE Wood, $15 cord. $24.50 cord. 593-6023. FUEL OIL, lowest prices.

Depend. 24 hr. oil burner ser. Dave Oil Television and Radio 62A ANNUAL Marathon Sale at Holland TV. Open 24 hours a day until New Ymn Save on Radios, Clock AM-FM.

RA duced to below cost. Holland TV, 141 Boston Rd, ST 2-0771. OUT THEY GO! ALL 1964 TVS MUST BE SOLD GARDLESS OF PRICE BLFORE JAN. 1. OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN.

Brand new port. TVs only $99 95. semi consoles only $199 95. Early American maple only $219 95. 21" color $369.

Stereo console only $138. COME EARLY--THEY WON'T LAST LONG AT THESE GIVEAWAY PRICES. YES, CREDIT TERMS TOO! HOME TV. 15 JASPER ST 3-7511. Wearing Apparel 65 A FUR SALE of clean used fur coats, jackets stoles in Persion Lamb, Mink, etc.

See Mr. Peck, 319 Bridge Spfld. MINK SCARF, like new, 4 black diamond male skins, call RE 7-4518. Wanted -To Buy 66 ABSOLUTELY BEST PRICE FOR APT. STOVES, REF.

BEDROOM. ST. 5-1123. ALLOWING A-1 money for con: tents of homes, attic, cellor, garages. Chino glass, tools, clocks, bicycles, bric-a-brac, antiques.

Get items together. Call me tor QUICK CASH. Days RE 4-4624, 788 9281 Suns, RE 4.5995 ARE you about to sell the contents of your home, attic. cellar, tools, BUYER of furniture, dishes, tools, clorks, tiques, glass china or any salable items? Picase call a 533-7998. antiques, contents homes.

Quick service. Ca'l L. Rueil, RE 3-3290." USED BOOKS WANTED 7326222 JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE PAYS CASH WANTED Baby Grand piano. Call ST 3-1512. WE buy rags, papers, scrap iron, brass, copper, stoves boilers.

Clean attics. cellars yards. RE 7-3910. ROOM AND BOARD Rooms With Board 67 BOARD ROOM for elderly people. On floor.

Call 739-2373. EXCLUSIVE put. home, 110 Perkins St. Mrs. Girard 736-6626.

board laundry, TV, tel, for young, working man. RE 6-4122. Rooms Without Board 68 A HOME TO share In on exclusive neighborhood. Lady pref. RE 4-6595.

A-1 warm rm. gents, $7. 344 St. James Ave, RE 2-1858. A pvt.

bedrm. liv. TV, gents only. Boston Rd. ST 3-6680.

ATTRAC. kitchenette, also room $7 pking. 192 Pearl St. RE 4-2600. worm pvt.

home, w-mother daughter. RE 3-1467, RE 7-7508. AT FOREST PARK INN, 46 Forest Park Ave. Pleasant rooms. RE 4-9885.

A clean, quiet rm. with priv. bath, priv. ent. 15t fir.

63 St. James Ave. A nice warm close dwntwn. per wk. 607 Worthington St.

AT 52 PEARL ST. (Downtown) I NICE RMS. NEAR HOBBY CLUB, STORES, THEATERS, UTIL, FURN, ELMONT pleasant rooms, gents. on bus line. RE 2-0745.

HOTEL CLINTON 1976 Main tow rates by the wk. or maids. CLERK HOTEL VICTORIA 166 STATE ST. Newly decorated furnished, wall to wall carpeting. Lavatory rms.

Self service elevator, three spaclous lobbles. Maid service, CLEAN pvt. fam. 17 Mazarin St. Ind.

Orch. LI 3-3268. FOR PARK nr. "X' attroc. rm.

next bath. For gent. Parking. RE 3-2671 HOTEL COOLIDGE- -Free pork. daily weekly rates.

2787 Main St. HOTEL CLINTON-1976 Main, $9.71 Up. Bath $14.25 up. moids. ONE furn.

room near everything. JE 4-1678, 479 Grattan Aldenville. priv. RE 6-3100 or ST 8-9816. SEEING is betieving, beau.

rm. with kit. W. widow rent room to sponsible porty. Refs.

RE 2-5500, 734 2339 Rooms for Housekeeping 69 ATTRAC. kit. bedrm. also singie rm. 2882 Moin St.

RE 6-9881. A rm. with plate refrig. Ingraham near Wesson Hosp. RE 4 9668.

APART style rm. all util. furn. Hill sect. $10.

RE 3-6549 6-8 p. m. LARGE rooms centrolly located, $7.59. RE 9 0381. REAL ESTATE for RENT Heated Apartments 74 APTS 5 rooms heated.

202-214 High Call ST 5 1003. A compl. redecor. 3 rm. 151 fir.

apt. Sanded cab kit. RE 4-4750. A beaut. 4 rm Federal St.

ton. ser. RE 4 3161 or ST 3-3785. A beaut. 5 maple cab.

kit. Ex. A3 2d fir. I tile bath, shower, h. loc.

Worthington St. $70. RE 9-2687. stm. gas stove, refrig.

Central loc. Janitor. RE 4-5537, LO 7-3402. A new rm. air cond.

suite, w.W peting, appliances, pvt. swimming pool. Sutton Piace, off 191 1 Mopia Aqawam. PE 9-0493 or RE 3-0059 A 5 RM. opt.

in Ludlow, redecorated. Rent $17 per wk. JU 3-3850, JU 3-8611. AVAILABLE immediately 5 rm. 3d f1.

Stove refriq. Hollywood section $65. RE 3-8058 or LY 6-4998 A NEW 3 bedrm. Ranch, utils. furn.

Goi Inc. Lamont Spild. ST JE 6 127) A 3 PM. 2d to both, shower, h. stm.

ht. Gas stove, refrig. Centrol loc. RE 4.5537, LO A 4 RM. 1st 8 2d fir.

Ht, h. W. Stove A refrig Trafton Realty, 734 A 3 rm. Van Horn sect. All utilities nished.

ST 8 4386 ALL BRAND NEW ALL READY TO MOVE INTO from $25-mo. to $35 mo. We pay on utilities. You just po for phone. Furnished or unfurnished.

Walking distance to everything. BRADFORD R. COLLINS REALTORS Days LY 3-9956 Eves 593-4280 ATTPAC. 4 rm opt. 3d off Chopin Ter.

nr. Spfld. Hosp. Heat, gas, gar. included.

$90. RE 7.8004. A COMFT. rm. Ist fir.

opt. 10 min. walk to town. Parking. 733-2041.

ARCH 38-4TH FLR. RM. APT. ELEC. RANGE 734 6447, 739-7411 ADULTS ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS Federal Upper Control Sis.

3 5 rms. 1st, 3d 4th firs, RE 9.7004 PE 7.7294 5 rm. tenement, heat, hot water, turn, Forest Pk. sect. LA 5.7945.

ALL area of Spfld. Modern 3 4 room apts. Reas. RE 4 1720 or 737-7271. A 3-4-5-6 nr.

school church, h.w., new storm windows for ter comfort. $60 up. RE 4-3249. $250. RE 3-2910.

FERGUSON TRACTOR with Davis loader snow bucket snow plow. RE 7-9192. SNOW PLOW 48'1 complete with Gravely tractor which is capable of operating 31 accessories. $295. Ralph D.

Jones 721 Worthington St. Musical Instruments ACCORDION SPINET Piano, excellent tone. Call Li 3-3972. BIG SAVINGS on pianos organs. Key.

board Shop, 11 East Ludlow. CONSOLE PIANO, Marie Fronc's Studio, 55 Parker Ind. Orch. FERRARA ACCOPDION, 3 shifts, used for only 10 lessons. price LY 2-7534, FENDER jozz master electric quitor with case, hardly used, 6 months old.

Must sell. Best offer Northampton' 585-1385. GRAND Piano with bench for sale, Evanson RE 9-2036. GUITARS GALORE' fine selection of GIBSON, FENDER, GUILD, etc. incl.

good used trode ins from $19.50 up. VOXamp. used by the Beatles. Special of the work GIBSON melodymaker New only $89.95. ACCORDION MART STUDIOS 1319 Riverdale West Spild.

NEW PIANOS, $395 up. Marie Fronc's Studio, 55 Parker Ind. Orch. ATTRACTIVE APARTMENTS ROOMS AVAILABLE IN: SPRINGFIELD WESTFIELD-NORTHAMPTON We take pride in our apartments. RICHARD C.

FLAGG RE 8 8394 Sun. Eves. RE 3-0033 RE 6 7620 ARMS APARTMENTS A lovely rm. apartment The Arms, Rte. 20, Spf'd.

RE 3.47°5 A 3 RM. 3d fir nr. St. Thomas Aquinos Church. RE 6-1312.

A 4 rm. opt. 4th 3 rm. apt. 2nd fir.

newly stove, jan. serv. 86 Woodside Ter. RE 4-9355 aft. 1 p.

m. 1.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.