What Do Men Want in a Woman? 20 Traits to Impress Him (2024)

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Co-authored byCharity Danker, LPCand Jennifer Mueller, JD

Last Updated: May 10, 2024Fact Checked

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When it comes to sharing their life with someone, men are looking for many of the same things women are—they want someone who's confident, caring, and has a great sense of humor. While looks can draw someone in, it's a woman's personality that will make a man want to stick by her side. Read on to find out how to attract the man of your dreams.

Things You Should Know

  • Show your confidence by being friendly and open and standing up for yourself when necessary.
  • Talk about your goals and successes to exude the ambition he wants to see in a woman.
  • Start conversations with his friends so he knows that you're sociable and fun.



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  1. Confidence is the #1 thing men find sexy in women. Men tend to find it particularly alluring when a woman knows who she is and what she brings to the table. They want a woman who has a strong sense of her own identity and worth as an individual.

    • Demonstrate your confidence by smiling, making eye contact, and standing tall with good posture. Assert yourself and your interests clearly rather than shying away from speaking up.
    • Avoid being clingy, which can turn some men off. If you need constant reassurance or are plagued with doubt over even the smallest decision, he might find that exhausting.
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  1. Men are typically interested in a woman with her own goals. Men tend to want women who are goal-oriented—women who know what they want out of life and know what steps they need to take to get there. These are goals that are related to the woman as an individual, not necessarily the woman in relation to a man.[1]

    • Make a 5- or 10-year plan for your life and talk about the outline with him. It shows him that you're not just winging it—you're taking active steps to go after what you want.
    • Don't be afraid to talk about your career or other achievements. Men tend to be impressed by women who are reaching for the top and aren't afraid of success.



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  1. A man wants a woman who gets along with others socially. While there's nothing wrong with being an introvert or a homebody, men tend to prefer women who can be open and sociable when they are out in group settings. A woman who isolates herself and doesn't talk very much likely won't attract a lot of attention.[2]

    • Show him that you're friendly and sociable by introducing yourself and making conversation when you cross paths with people he knows. He'll be impressed if you make the first move.
    • Ask people open-ended questions when you talk to them to show that you're interested in what they have to say. This also projects friendliness and will make him very interested in you.
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  1. Men tend to prefer women who have their act together. It's great to be playful and fun when it's appropriate, but most men want to be with women who know how to act like adults. A mature woman isn't petty and doesn't start drama—rather, she's open and rational to everyone and tries to approach things with reason rather than impulse.[3]

    • A big way to show him your maturity is to avoid gossiping around him. Even if you've heard the juiciest tidbit, keep it to yourself.
    • Keep in mind that if you're constantly surrounded by drama or you have a lot of overly dramatic friends, any man you're interested in is likely to assume that you're a drama queen as well.



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  1. A man usually wants to be with a woman who is emotionally stable. Many men consider this an essential characteristic. They will likely have a hard time being in a relationship with women whose emotional reactions are extreme or unpredictable. They like to be able to understand where women are coming from.[4]

    • Keep your emotions in check rather than flying off the handle when something doesn't go your way. Look for what you can do to fix a problem rather than simply reacting to it.
    • If you feel like you need to calm down, walk away from the situation for a few minutes and take some deep breaths. Once you've eased your nerves, you can return and find a resolution to the problem.
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  1. Men tend to look for women who share the same sense of humor. While both men and women list humor as a key characteristic in a potential mate, their focuses are different. Women tend to want men who make them laugh, while men aren't necessarily interested in funny women. Rather, they want women who are receptive to their humor—women who think they are funny.[5]

    • If you think about it, these two stances make sense! A woman wants a guy who makes her laugh and a guy wants to make a woman laugh. If your senses of humor happen to align, it's potentially a match made in heaven.
    • Show him that you share his sense of humor by laughing at his jokes. Creating inside jokes between the two of you is another way to display a shared sense of humor.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 735 wikiHow readers what’s most attractive about a person, and 56% said sense of humor and charm. [Take Poll]



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  1. A man typically wants a woman who is kind and considerate. For men who are interested in starting a family, this is an even higher-ranking quality they look for. Regardless, a man tends to look for a woman who is kind and caring to everyone because he knows she'll be kind and caring to him as well.[6]

    • Show your kindness by being friendly and polite to anyone you come in contact with, especially clerks in shops or servers in restaurants.
    • Have good manners to show that you're considerate even when someone is rude or disrespectful to you.
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  1. Men typically look for women whose actions are predictable. A man wants to be able to predict how a woman will act in various situations—he doesn't necessarily like to be surprised by her reaction. When she acts consistently, it shows him that she's been authentic with him and wasn't hiding her true self.[7]

    • Be yourself around a guy that you're interested in. If you try to hide how you really feel or react in a different way than you normally would, he'll get the wrong impression about who you really are.
    • If something upsets or offends you, let him know how and why. He'll appreciate your honesty and it will help him avoid similar situations in the future.



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  1. Men tend to look for women who have their own lives and interests. While most men want to feel needed in a relationship, they also want women who are capable of living on their own. When a woman isn't dependent on him, he feels like he can contribute to her well-being.

    • Allow him to be free to go out and do his own thing or hang out with his friends without getting upset about it.
    • If you have a lot going on in your life and aren't always available whenever he wants to go out with you, that also shows him that you're independent.
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  1. A man wants a woman to display her love for him openly. It's true that everyone has a different tolerance level for PDA, but all men want to feel as though their partners act in a loving way toward them. That might not mean he wants a woman to be all over him, but it does mean he craves a soft touch here and there or a warm smile that lets him know she cares.[8]

    • Rest your hand on his arm while you're having a conversation, or tuck your arm around him while you're standing together.
    • Another way to show affection is to lightly run your fingers through his hair or squeeze his upper arm or shoulder as you walk past him.
  1. Men tend to prefer women who make their own decisions. It might be an unfair stereotype that women tend to hem and haw about making decisions, but a lot of men take it to heart. A man wants a woman who isn't afraid to speak up about what she would prefer for dinner or which movie she wants to watch.[9]

    • For example, if he asks where you want to eat, you might suggest a restaurant you've always wanted to try. You could also mention the type of food you want, such as saying, "I could really go for Mexican tonight. What's your favorite Mexican restaurant?"
    • If you genuinely have no preference about something, let him know that. For example, you might say, "I don't have a preference—I'm truly open to anything. Do you have a strong preference?"
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  1. A man wants to know that any woman he's with won't lie to him. Neither men nor women like lying, and honesty is the cornerstone of the foundation of any healthy relationship. Even little white lies can destroy his belief that a woman will be honest with him in the future.[10]

    • If you're worried that being honest is going to upset him or hurt his feelings, say something to cushion the blow. For example, you might say, "I don't want to upset you but I feel that I have to be honest. Can we sit down somewhere in private and talk this out?"
    • Find a way to be tactful while still being honest in situations where you don't want to insult him or hurt his feelings. For example, you might say, "I love you in sweaters, but I don't know if that's the right color for you. Do you have something in navy blue?"



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  1. Men typically look for women who they know will stand by them. When a man is in a relationship with a woman, he wants to know that she'll always be in his corner, no matter what. To that end, a man typically looks for a woman who will lift him up and support him, even if she doesn't entirely agree with what he's doing.[11]

    • Show your support by cheering him on when he's engaging in activities he loves or when he's going through a hard time with work or with people in his life.
    • Let him know that he can talk to you whenever he needs to and that you'll be there to listen and offer your advice or opinion if he wants it.
    • If you have misgivings about something he's taking on, let him know how you feel while also conveying your support. For example, you might say, "I don't know if this is the right company for you, but if you want to apply I'm behind you 100%."
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  1. A man feels secure in a relationship with a committed woman. Both men and women crave security in relationships, but they tend to value different types of security. For a man, he wants to feel as though the woman he's with is in it for the long haul and is devoted to him and to their relationship. The more he feels that she's committed and invested, the more willing he'll be to open up to her.[12]

    • Show your commitment by including him when you talk about the future. For example, you might say, "I was thinking about what to do with my two weeks of paid time off next year. Would you rather go to the mountains or the beach?"
    • You can also show your commitment by asking for his advice on things that will affect your life in the future or in the long term. For example, you might say, "What do you think about my taking that promotion at work? It would mean a lot of extra hours but the pay and benefits are great."



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  1. Men want to know that they can rely on a woman when they need her. When the chips are down, a man wants to be with a woman who he knows will step up and do what's needed. If he needs help, he wants to feel as though he can depend on her to come through with whatever he needs—or find help if she can't do it herself.[13]

    • Like many other qualities, the best way to show that you're dependable is simply to do what you say you're going to do.
    • Keep your commitments to other people as well and he'll recognize that you're dependable to everyone, not just him.
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  1. A man prefers a woman who is smart and interested in the world. Reality shows are a fun diversion, but most men look for women who also think about things on a slightly deeper level. Relationships have more staying power when the two of you can converse about things beyond the superficial.[14]

    • Demonstrate your intelligence by talking about your career or college studies. You might also talk about a book you've read recently or a podcast you listened to.
    • Intelligence is definitely relative. Most people tend to be attracted to people who are at least as intelligent as they are. For example, a CEO would be looking for someone who was on a similar track.



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  1. Men typically need to be visually attracted to maintain interest. This isn't to say that every man out there is looking for a supermodel—but visual stimulation is much more important for men than it is for women. If a man doesn't find a woman physically attractive, he's not likely to have a lot of interest in pursuing a relationship with her.[15]

    • Take care of your own appearance to be more attractive to him. This doesn't mean you have to dress to the nines with full makeup every time you go out, but if you're always clean and presentable he'll recognize that you care for yourself.
    • Before you write off guys as superficial, consider that positive personality traits can make a person more attractive—a phenomenon researchers have dubbed "the halo effect."[16]
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  1. A man wants a woman who will listen to his side of the story. Men want to be understood just as much as women do—this is a very human quality. When a woman makes an effort to understand a man, he feels as though she's interested in him as a whole person, not just a superficial idea of a person.[17]

    • Show your understanding by asking him questions when he says or does something that doesn't make sense to you.
    • Avoid making assumptions or dismissing something he says in a generic way without probing why. For example, you might say, "What you just said came off a little misogynistic. Can you elaborate on why you think that way so I can understand you better?"



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  1. Men typically need to feel needed in a relationship. A woman who makes a man feel needed and capable is one who will let him know on a regular basis how much she appreciates his efforts. She thanks him when he does things for her, but also shows her appreciation in little ways.

    • Say "thank you" whenever he does something for you, no matter how small. It also helps if you go out of your way to thank him just for being himself or being in your life.
    • Let him know that you appreciate various aspects of his personality as well. For example, you might say, "Thank you for asking me how I felt about that movie. It made me feel like you were really making an effort to understand me better and I appreciate that."
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  1. A man wants a woman who treats him with respect and decency. Here, a man is looking for a woman who treats him with the same respect she would accord any other person in her life whom she thinks highly of. He wants to know that she admires or even looks up to him.[18]

    • Asking him for his opinion or advice on something—and then really listening to and taking in what he has to say—is a great way to show him that you respect him.
    • Avoid making excessive demands on his time or attention. For example, if you pout or pitch a fit when he says he's having a guy's night, it might tell him that you don't respect his time or his relationships with his friends.

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      What Do Men Want in a Woman? 20 Traits to Impress Him (58)

      Co-authored by:

      Charity Danker, LPC

      Licensed Therapist and Certified Sex Therapist

      This article was co-authored by Charity Danker, LPC and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Charity is a Licensed Therapist and Certified Sex Therapist. She considers herself a Holistic Sex & Relationship Coach based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. With over 11 years of professional experience, she specializes in many fields, including marriage and couples counseling, somatic sex education, and sexual dysfunction. She also practices as a certified org*smic meditation trainer. Charity received her BA in Psychology from Oklahoma State University and her MA in Marriage and Family Therapy from Southern Nazarene University. She then went on to become AASECT certified in Sex Therapy. This article has been viewed 82,642 times.

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      Updated: May 10, 2024


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      What Do Men Want in a Woman? 20 Traits to Impress Him (2024)


      What Do Men Want in a Woman? 20 Traits to Impress Him? ›

      They want a woman who has a strong sense of her own identity and worth as an individual. Demonstrate your confidence by smiling, making eye contact, and standing tall with good posture. Assert yourself and your interests clearly rather than shying away from speaking up. Avoid being clingy, which can turn some men off.

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      Loyalty and trustworthiness are the bedrock of any strong relationship. This means being reliable, keeping promises, and staying faithful. It's about creating a secure environment where both partners feel confident that their trust won't be betrayed.

      What do men find irresistible about a woman? ›

      What do guys like most in a girl? It's not just about looks. Sure, a pretty face can grab attention, but the inside stuff is what really matters. Many guys love it when a girl is confident and honest, is kind to others, and can share a good laugh.

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      Being able to see the good in any situation, to look at the world with friendly eyes, to love and empathize are qualities that make you attractive, regardless of your looks. It's a well-known fact that for men who seek a lifelong partner, kindness and inner goodness are the qualities that matter the most.

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      Both men and women consistently cite emotional stability and maturity as one of the most attractive traits in a potential spouse. While men often fall victim to the stereotype of prioritizing physical attraction, when it comes to a potential wife, they want a woman who is grounded and secure in herself.

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      A high-value woman has high self-esteem.

      She knows her own worth and respects herself, so she sets high standards in all of her relationships. If someone treats her poorly, she's perfectly capable of walking away from them without any second thoughts.

      What makes a man open up to a woman? ›

      Be Kind and Respectful – Men can feel quite vulnerable opening up so make sure he knows you're on his side and that the questions or conversation are not about winning or finding faults. He'll learn that opening up isn't so bad when you're respectful and kind.

      What body part do men like most? ›

      Studies show that men are most attracted to faces, followed closely by women's rear ends. The same study tells us that women like a man's chest and his hair.

      What does a man desire most from a woman? ›

      A man wants a woman who treats him with respect and decency.

      He wants to know that she admires or even looks up to him. Asking him for his opinion or advice on something—and then really listening to and taking in what he has to say—is a great way to show him that you respect him.

      What makes a woman magnetic to a man? ›

      1 Be confident and love yourself first. 2 Be friendly and smile often. 3 Maintain open and inviting body language. 4 Have a good sense of humor.

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      There's something deeply moving about watching a woman allow herself to be seen in her fullness – her strengths, her weaknesses, her fears, and her aspirations. It takes courage to open up in this way, and that bravery is not only admirable but also incredibly alluring.

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      Women, on average, tend to be more attracted to men who have a relatively narrow waist, a V-shaped torso, wide chest and broad shoulders. Women also tend to be more attracted to men who are taller and larger than they are, and display a high degree of facial symmetry, as well as relatively masculine facial dimorphism.

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      Guys love to be called by their first and last names.

      If you get flirty with it, saying his full name can be a striking way to get his attention. This is a good one to try when the two of you are just starting out, but can also be a killer move later on in a relationship. “You've got the best eyes, Henry Owens.”

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      • Customized Cooler. ...
      • A Custom Wallet. ...
      • An Individualized Toiletry Bag. ...
      • A Personalized Poker Chip Set. ...
      • An Engraved Decanter Set. ...
      • A Personalized Watch Box. ...
      • A Personalized Golf Shoe Bag. ...
      • An Engraved Lighter.

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      Beauty, healthy hair, good-looking skin, well-done makeup, healthy weight; these are the superficial things men find irresistible. Most guys aren't looking for “supermodel” good looks. In fact, if a man is “talking” to you, he's attracted to you enough to fall in love.

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      1. Make him feel special.
      2. Be an active listener.
      3. Show him how fun you are.
      4. Show genuine interest.
      5. Be unpredictable.
      6. Find out what you have in common.
      7. Make him feel attractive.
      8. Be vulnerable.
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      Men generally notice confidence and charisma when they meet a woman, which are qualities that help them know she is worth their time. Be able to spend time on your own: High-value men may often be off doing their own thing, whether working on their own business, career or personal life.

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      A high value man knows anything or anyone valuable requires attention. He'll text her in the morning. Then he'll check in to hear her voice in the afternoon and if he hasn't made plans to see her again, he's calling at night. If he has a busy day ahead, he'll text in the morning.

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      A high-value man is the one who stays committed to his purpose, works on himself, generates multiple resources on his own to resolve the inconveniences that exist in his life. You can do anything in your life. You have the freedom to play with your life. But if you play wrong, you will be in the losing side.

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