Surrender (Brides for the Houses of Fate, #2) (2024)

Sweet and Salty Reviews by DD

600 reviews212 followers

March 28, 2022

Whew! That was a hot read.

Good storyline. Starts off fast and furious. We see the morja still captives. Two brothers reunite. An insane battle ends in heartbreak and more questions that neeeed to be answered.

The romance was sexy as hell. I mean my forehead was sweating and I was gripping my reader a little tight.

Really enjoying this series!

Happy reading,

    4-star erotic-paranormal reviewed-2022

Giorgia Reads

1,323 reviews2,044 followers

April 24, 2022

Still bored.
I’m gonna let this series be for now.

    2022-reads alien-romance


639 reviews

March 21, 2022

5 stars ⭐️

Miranda Bridges is one of my go to authors, her stories never fail to entice me to read them from start to finish without a break. I loved Rixan and Denali, the humour created by their characters kept me entertained throughout the whole story. Can’t wait for the next instalment.


610 reviews2 followers

March 23, 2022

Wasn't as good as book 1 but still entertaining.


616 reviews


June 24, 2022

I tried but after 38% I don’t want to try anymore.


Preston and Michelle

371 reviews5 followers

January 29, 2023

Written by Miranda Bridges this Brides for the Houses of Fate series follows aliens and their human female mates. The planet is called Serissa, the territory is called Livardia, which was previously owned by the Four Houses of Fate. The 4 Houses of Fate are the morja, silas, akal, and vulari. The Tulgans look like orcs and are the bad guys, but even they answer to a group who holds power over their own people known as the Atori. The Four Houses fell, and those left alive became prisoners. The Atori ruled all and had claimed Livardia territory. Now, the houses play in gladiator games to survive. Until they find their opportunity to escape and band together to fight against their captors. Females were abducted from Earth and sold to the Atori as slaves. Their slave duties took place in Livardia, where they were expected to attend to the winning alien gladiators. The enslaved alien warriors fall in love with their female human mates along the way to finding their freedom and revenge.

Written in first person, Surrender is book 2 in the series and follows commander Rixan of the morja house and his human mate Denali. Denali was was abducted from Earth by the mazzah and given to the Atori, where she was then tasked to help Rixan heal. Rixan was commander Rylan’s brother of the Morja house, separated during the war against the Atori. The Morja are humanoid, with lion features that include fur and a tail. When they shift, they transform into a creature part lion, part eagle, that can fly. As fate would have it, his mate was tasked to help heal him so he could fight in the gladiator games. He discovered that his brother Rylan was alive and well, and together they formed an escape with their females in tow during the chaos of the games.

While the buildup was balanced and kept the reader hooked, it took way too long to get to the filthy good stuff, which is the entire reason I read romance novels. The couple had their first intercourse in chapter 14, at the 68% mark. I was particularly drawn to the Morja purring for their mate. Simple, yet romantic. The Morja bite their mates to mark them, like vampires. Since I’m all for the vampire fantasy, I’m on board for the Morja bite as well. If that wasn’t enough, their co*ck swells until they are stuck inside their mate after climax. Forced cuddling, yay! After the official claiming, they became a mated pair and after their escape, lived happily ever after.

So far, this series is okay. It’s a little complicated and confusing with certain aspects, such as the Atori and tulgans. I think the tulgans are the orcs. I still have no idea who or what the Atori are, just that they’re in control of everyone and everything, including the orc/tulgans and the mazzah. I know that the Morja are the griffins. I still don’t quite understand the dynamics of the other three houses: silas, akal, and vulari. I know that one (the Silas I think?) is a snake-like alien. I think the author added unnecessary elements that dirtied the plot and confused the reader. I will still read the remaining books in the series in hopes that things begin to make more sense. At least the raunch was entertaining enough.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Serena Loves Books

1,613 reviews96 followers

May 30, 2023

Surrender (Brides for the Houses of Fate, #2) (7)
'Pensé que la diosa había abandonado Las Casas del Destino, mi gente y yo', dice Rixan, su voz apenas por encima de un susurro. 'Sin embargo, aquí estás, una señal de arriba, un faro que me llena de esperanza. Si no fuera un insulto a la diosa, adoraría a tus pies.'

•Mi opinión puede contener Spoilers.
•Esta destinada a ser un descargo personal no para que alguien más lea pero si lo haces y te ofende, me disculpo porque sé lo que es que te guste un libro y otros lo critiquen.

Surrender de Miranda Bridges serie Brides for the Houses of Fate 2


Ella me trajo de vuelta del borde de la muerte, solo para convertirse en mi vida...

La mujer es mi única conexión con lo que hay más allá de esta celda.
Necesito que sepa qué pasó con:

Mi Casa.
Mis hermanos.
Mi hermano.

Entonces me encuentro queriéndola para otras cosas.

Cosas que no tienen nada que ver con la libertad.

Y todo lo que tenga que ver con la hembra.

Su tierna sonrisa me calienta.
Su suave toque me tranquiliza.
Su beso apasionado encendiéndome.

Todo esto amenaza con arruinar mis planes.

Pero, ¿importa el futuro si ella no está a mi lado?

¿Me veré obligado a dejarla atrás?

No si la diosa del destino es real.
Así que rezo.

Mi humilde opinión:

Surrender es la historia de Rixan, otro de los Morja y grifo, hermano de Rylen.

Pensaban que fue asesinado por el enemigo pero quedó gravemente herido. Confinado en una celda es cuidado por la esclava y humana Denali.

Me gustaban Denali y Rylen y la forma en que conectan. Ella lo cuida cuando está herido y las chispas vuelan. Está su parte ardiente y dulce, tan leal en sus sentimientos.

Me pasó con el libro anterior, hay cosas que no las veo realistas o coherentes. De nuevo los esclavistas eran muy suaves. Cuando pensé que Denali o Rylen serían castigados no pasó. Todo lo contrario, les daban lo que querían al final. Como cuando los encerraron juntos en una celda para que ella se saque la "curiosidad" sobre él.

Sin embargo, me gustó más este que el anterior. Es otra lectura rápida con mucho steamy, acción y grifos honorables!

De nuevo el maldito cliffhanger que deja con el suspenso de lo que sucedió con Yesenia.



1,312 reviews1 follower

March 20, 2023

NOTE: At least four non sequential pages were blank on my Kindle, interrupting the flow of the story.

This takes place in the same location as book 1. Denali is a human assigned to work in the kitchen. She is ordered to provide nursing care to Rixan who had been injured in the Battle of Livardia. He is the brother of Rylen who was featured in the first book.

Denali’s ministrations are well received and sooner than later leads to romance. Rixan’s murder of a tulgan who assaulted Denali causes him to be put in solitary confinement. Denali and her pal Yesenia manage to sneak food to him. Denali makes the attempt solo the next time and is caught and imprisoned with him for a time.

Rixan is determined to be healed enough to participate in the gladiator trials. Denali is cleaned up and supposed to seated with the other three women assigned an honorary position in the stands. However, this time they are placed on a platform in the middle of the arena and a wild beast is unleashed. The gladiators attempt escaping in the ensuing mayhem.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Anastasia Beaverhausen

292 reviews2 followers

March 31, 2022

Gorgeous Covers Containing Interesting Reads

I found this author from a gorgeously styled Facebook ad. This series is giving “Spartacus/Avatar/Rome” vibes. Beautiful ladies are smuggled from earth to end up on another planet of multi species who’ve just been conquered by an ugly and mean species that uses whatever technology they’ve available to them from the other planets and worlds that they’ve conquered. The series so far has focused on the most recent conquering of 4 tribes of the Houses of Fate. The four houses are comprised of griffins, ravens, serpents, and beasts, with the griffins being most honorable and prevalent in the first two books. Quick reads with physically gorgeous characters and naughty scenes.


1,080 reviews19 followers

April 8, 2022

4&1\2 stars 🌟🌟 for book two of the bride's of the Morja.

Rixan is a Morja warrior, captured and wounded after losing the battle for his home and his people. He doesn't know if his brother is alive so all he has is his thirst for vengeance. That is until he begin to regain his senses and sees the most beautiful female of a species he's never encountered before. Denali, abducted and sold into slavery she been told to take care of and nurse back to health the Morja warrior. As she heals him and they grow closer Rixan realizes that Denali is his one true mate and that he will do anything to save her and build life with her. Passion, danger and a daring escape till the pages of this book. And I looking forward to reading the next in the series.💖💖🔥🔥💖💖🔥🔥💖💖🔥🔥🔥💖🔥💖💖💖🔥🔥💖🔥💖🔥🔥🔥


33 reviews1 follower

March 19, 2022

Wow! Hot, hot, hot and can’t put it down!

I thought there wouldn’t be another story I could love more than Rylen’s and Ember’s but this one definitely proved me wrong! Denali and Rixan were absolutely AMAZING characters and the plot kept me transfixed to the end. I love that each book is it’s own but the development of the world Ms. Bridges has created continues its storyline. I am so, so anxious to find out what happens next with the other humans and remaining aliens who need their own mates 🤩🤩. I am actually really looking forward to the akal’s and silas’s stories as well 😁🥰🤗. Fan for life, here, for sure!

Just Jese

514 reviews

March 19, 2022

Too Short…but what a ride

Soooooo where do I begin?
I liked this? As much as the first book? Nope, but it was still a cute read. Clearly the next book will feature Yesenia and that Morja who wanted to protect her, but I kinda wanted more scenes between the humans sharing intel or comparing notes on what they’ve learned. We learned in the previous book that they e come into contact with one another often enough.
What’s the deal with Selene and a melody? Will they get a scene where they pair off with the other houses they were originally scheduled to attend to?
Looks like we’re prepping for a jailbreak and war in the next book folks!

Emily Lindsey

Author3 books14 followers

June 21, 2022

I am addicted to this whole story line!

I started reading this series yesterday with book one and immediately moved on to this one. It's definitely a bingeable set of books! Although this one does not have major fighting action, it does have the women taking bravely stupid chances that border on some too stupid to live thoughts. The scenes do increase your admiration for the human women while at the same time leaves you thinking, like, "yup, this is how she dies." Yet still, I couldn't put it down. I really hope the next book is out so I can continue. I'm worried about Serena.

Nancy R

638 reviews7 followers

March 18, 2022

Book 2 of the War Brides of the Morja is another five star read! What I love about this series…alpha males who adore their mates, action and suspense a plenty while the story is woven into an intense heart stopping read. Denali and Roxanne are passionate but a slow burn build up makes this story all that more endearing. It is a three part series but you don’t feel cheated since the main couple has a resolution while another peaks your interest for Books 3. Download and enjoy a delightful read!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


404 reviews

March 18, 2022

I'm not even sure what to say about this book, it is that good! First are the characters..Rixan and Denali are perfection. Both are strong but Denali has a softness to her that is beautiful and Rixan is all dominant male who can bend his will for his mate. The world building and storyline are outstanding! The writing is crisp and clean. I was grabbed on the first page and not released until the end. I truly can't wait for the next book! What a pleasure to read such a high quality, engrossing book.

Elisa Doll

105 reviews4 followers

March 30, 2022


I read this thru KU. I don't know how to rate this book. The 1st was okay, but it was hard for me to get into. I did want to know if the 4 factions would reclaim their world, but I just couldn't stay interested enough in this book. It was like going backward. It told another aliens POV on the war & human hookup. Up to 17% when I DNF. It was like reading book 1 again. Shame really because the overall plot was always stronger than the odd, forced romance between inmates plot.

Hence, 3 stars?

Mullen Natalie

127 reviews2 followers

June 20, 2023

awful, boring and stupid. That sex talk right from the beginning is just stupid and so very unrealistic.. and somehow the author can make it boring at the same time. He is the brother of the guy in the first book... I just found this book awful, stupid and very boring..I had to keep jumping pages..
I was hoping for the rest of book 1 being in here and get more input on their world etc.. nope.
I got me the first 3 books of this series.. I am already so fed up I do not even want to start book 3. Yuck


49 reviews

March 18, 2022

Not as good as the first one

Not a lot of plot development. Most of the story was mostly between the hero and heroine and consisted of sex. The heroine came from a cult like home, but that wasn’t fleshed out well in the story and I didn’t find her reactions consistent with that background. It seemed mostly put in to explain she was a virgin and shy about sex. Didn’t feel like the overarching story advanced much at all.

Penny Wright

1,289 reviews3 followers

March 25, 2022


I had a hard time pushing through Surrender. Maybe it is me - expecting more. Loved the first book in the War Brides of the Morja, this one not so much. It is a 3.5 in my opinion. The events just don’t hang together smoothly; the Atori / Tulgans for being conquerors treat Denali and Rixan much better than expected; the Arena game was chaos; Denali turns into a whiner when they escape; seems like there is more sex than plot continuity.


1,236 reviews9 followers

April 13, 2022

I liked this second book less than the first in the series. Rylan and Denali's interactions seemed forced, repetitive, and contrived. I liked Denali's character a lot more, but the book was slow in the beginning and the plot was unbelievable. It was too much like the first book for me. I lost interested somewhere at the 44% mark and did not finish. I do not think I will be reading more in this series.

    dnf romance sci-fi-fantasy

Kayla Jones

11 reviews

January 2, 2023

cringy at best

The author uses a lot of twilight and Harry Potter references along with cringy dialogue and puns from the female characters. The over use of pop culture references and names blatantly taken from other books made it annoying. Instead of creating their own universe this author uses other books to describe the “games” in the story. Even the Alien male lead was a griffon like creature that seemed to be pulled straight from Harry Potter.


44 reviews

September 30, 2023

Creo que fue una muy buena segunda parte, me gustó mucho como se dio la relación entre Rixan y Denali, siento que tuvo el toque cómico bastante bueno con la amiga, que siempre daba comentarios que me hacían reír y voltear los ojos. Sinceramente me sorprendió mucho como se dio la liberación, y el hecho de que vayan a regresar solo indica que una gran batalla de está planeando, con eso tengo muchas ganas de leer lo que sigue.


613 reviews15 followers

April 8, 2022


I liked this book but it was not as good as the first. I’m a little disappointed in their storyline. I will definitely read the next book because of another cliffhanger. Hopefully I will be more engaged with the new one since that character was already introduced in the first book.

Rachel (Rae)

306 reviews29 followers

April 25, 2022

Spice 2.5/5
Characters 3/5

This one was good. The first one is better, but I still liked the couple.

This book seemed a bit rushed. The other had more detail and the characters were a little more fleshed out.

Rixan is dirty talking and a bit more abrasive than Rylen but still very swoon worthy.

These are quick, spicy, and full of alien goodness.

Misti Britnell

213 reviews2 followers

March 26, 2022

better than the first book

I liked the characters better in this one than the first book. Still had the annoying occasional translations and the bad guys are still barely there, but I might read the next one. Going to check and see if anything better has released.

Diane Madden

345 reviews

March 28, 2022

nice one

This was a good book for sure. I really liked it. I went into it blind and didn’t know I was going to be reading about gryphons and human mates. But I really really loved it. Wish and hope for many more

Kathleen Reed

799 reviews1 follower

March 29, 2022


Oh my goodness! What a hot and sexy book this is! I think I need a cold drink of water after reading this book. This whole series is awesome! I can't wait for the next book to come out

Kimire Daniels

9 reviews

April 23, 2022

Interesting Read

This book was a little faster paced than the first. My only question is that in the first book Rixan was said to have had a family that died. It was slightly hinted at in the beginning of the story, but removed entirely from the storyline. Still it was a fun read.

Barbara Dunbar

3,323 reviews31 followers

April 24, 2022


Denali and Rixan are an unlikely couple in prison and abused. Denali, after being abducted, has the fortitude to keep hoping that someday she will escape and find her freedom and home. Rixan is only alive because Denali has been tasked with his care.

Catherine Marie Meyer

321 reviews

May 4, 2022


Denali and Rixen meet after the Morja are defeated in war with the Atori. Denali was taxed with taking care of Rixen's wounds so that he doesn't die. The Atori make them battle with other peoples as entertainment. Great story!

Surrender (Brides for the Houses of Fate, #2) (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.